Something I love : petrichor. The season for it is starting, and I'm happy to be living somewhere it happens.
RL things I love
I woke up with a stiff back and sort of feeling generally achy.
After the deadlifts my back feels great - it feels tired but right.
@Arkandel Foam roller, yo. Foam roller.
This post is deleted! -
Geek moment.
Returning to an MMO after being absent for a couple years (two expansions). Choosing a role I've never played. Becoming the best in the group after a week or two at it. I am the healiest healz evah.
Also, getting over my fear of random groups.
Not sure if this qualifies as 'RL' but it's not MU*ing so I posted it here. Because I'm proud of myself.
The Witcher III Sountrack.
This version:
Unbelievably good.
My new job is amazing. I've stepped into an entirely different culture, and in every way it's the best work environment I've ever been in. This job is pretty much unreal; I have a hard time believing it. I'm being paid what I'm worth for the first time, my benefits are fully paid for (and they're ridiculously good, too! 200 deductible? 2k out of pocket max? what?!), and the sick/leave time is super generous. There is daily a spread of food that people bring in from home, everything put in the particular area is open season. Just because. I have eaten so much fry bread the last week, even if it IS bad for me. There is going to be little to no stress -- this last week my new boss has apologized to me multiple times for how stressful/hectic it has been, it's not usually like this -- and it's fucking NOTHING. Like, I didn't even feel any pressure, let alone actual stress.
And to top it all off, I'm doing something I love. Not only do I get to devote a large portion of my time to training, I get to choose what I teach, make my own material and lesson plans, and so on. When I'm not doing that, I'm getting to play with setting up computers and troubleshooting and stuff. Like. What. This doesn't qualify as work. It's nuts.
So. 3 day weekend, starting today. Yesterday, get an email at about noon from the big boss. Go home, have a good weekend.
I keep waiting to wake up. o.o
@Sunny You should totes let @Admiral know when your company is hiring, again.
So today was my state's precinct (neighborhood) caucus to decide the presidential candidate for the Democratic Party. For the first time, standing room only 30 minutes before it was called into session. Enormous turnout for all ages, including teens and twentysomethings. Lively, strong debate, but it ended with handshakes and goodwill and support. It was nice to see people discussing as people rather than shit flinging rabid monkeys. And I got elected as a delegate for my candidate to move on to the district/county caucus. (Similar process there, and then some go on to the state and maybe national). It was nice. I'm still worried over all, but today...respect and actual dialog won.
Don't worry man if you get too stressed out by the peace we can always give you ad homonym attacks to help you feel like you're dealing with normal debates again.
Its true, wee can make add homonym attacks until there affects drive ewe strait two Hel.
Thee rein of tear has begun.
Take your upvote you bastard!
Something I love : petrichor. The season for it is starting, and I'm happy to be living somewhere it happens.
@Duntada said:
Don't worry man if you get too stressed out by the peace we can always give you ad homonym attacks to help you feel like you're dealing with normal debates again.
You did this on purpose, right? If not, I am very sad.
Sadly not. I was typing brain stopped and looked back at the word and was like "That... isn't right." then another part of my brains went "look it's a word, it's spelled right obviously that's right you're just being paranoid."
- 13 days later
I love it when I finally figure out how to get something to work after much failing about and it trying to kick my ass.
Had to say it somewhere. Just so proud of my little brother.
He's at prom tonight. Took out a girl he's known for a while now that we've been pushing him to go out with (and have been leaving him alone in his room with when she comes over) because she's awesome. Two of her friends are dating each other as well, so they all split a limo.
He's now showing up to prom with three girls. So proud.
My niece just hit six months in recovery and finally feels like she doesn't need methadone. Having gone through it myself (five years last December), she's definitely shown that she understands she doesn't need it anymore. Plus, she's got a new girlfriend and is going to school, so her priorities have shifted entirely. It's great and I'm so proud of her.
I love that the last two posts mention pairs of lesbian girlfriends in a totally offhand manner as if it's no big deal.