@Lithium said in RL Anger:
Nobody is saying ALL Men are /anything/ just like nobody is saying all of any <insert subset here> is anything.
Then people need to stop saying things like, "Why do men...", because it's no less offensive than saying "why can't women drive". That is, it's pretty fucking insulting all around. If we fought this long and hard to strike this kind of question from our cultural vocabulary, then people aren't doing the world any favors by bringing it back in.
No, they are just propagating the underlying issue by turning it around on perceived aggressors. They need to fucking stop.
If they don't mean "everyone", then we need to stop seeing videos like "17 Questions for Men". Why not something more informative like "17 Questions for Bigots". If you can't make your message clear, then you need to change your message.
The reason it is so fucking offensive is because it is statements like that that are used as a shield against awareness. It's a response that serves no purpose because it deflects from the actual problem at hand, and that is that /some/ of these people /are/.
Yes, this is my complaint. Take what you're saying and now view it from all sides, ask yourself how you would act if the issue was pointed at your gender. (This was 100% of the point in the videos Tyche linked to.) Get out of whatever self-described label you're in and think. Otherwise, you are acting just like you're accusing Tyche of acting like.
The real answer needs to be:
How do we make this problem go away?
Yes, but as long as people--MRA, Militant Feminists, whomever--are mis-phrasing the issue, then coming to a consensus like this is going to be impossible.
If the answer to the issue is "not me", there's more evidence that the issue is being phrased poorly. That this has been the statement/response for a decade means that people are having a time approaching it critically. It's kind of creepy to me, and smacks of cultish behavior. Super creepy.
In summary, if even you can't explain why "Not All Men" is offensive (you haven't, really), then I invoke my right to call you out on promoting propaganda. If your objection is that it means that whatever is Not My Problem, then welcome to the real world. Support your thesis. Stop relying on a movement which makes enemies out of reasonable people.