Jun 6, 2016, 2:47 PM

@Kestrel said in The Shame Game:

I'm not sure why anyone thinks citing a source is pretentious.

Try reading, then. It's explained. (Even though I agree that it isn't in this case.)

I also think it's funny that someone got shamed for trying to bring up the shame game.

You clearly have a very broad interpretation of what shaming entails.

Someone expressing an opinion that something comes across as pretentious is not shaming someone, sweet creeping jesus.

Shaming someone would look a lot more like this:

"What the hell is wrong with you bringing that shit in here, don't you slather that pop psychology tripe all over the place like you're now the enlightened one coming down to talk to us sad, ignorant fucks, because you read some self-help book! Who the hell do you think you are and how stupid do you have to be to bring that crap here!"

...which precisely nobody said to anybody, even remotely.

But that would be shaming.

I would recommend that 'self-awareness' post or three that describe some of the problems that arise when someone doesn't have it.

I guess the first rule of Fight Club is that you do not talk about the Fight Club?

...because nobody's doing that, nope.

Seriously, do you even read things? <-- There, that's some actual shaming. Now you can finally play victim with an actual thing to point at when you get all huffy in the knickers, lawdy be.