Random links
It is the best of tim... no, it's not. It's the worst of times and nothing else today, friends, for I bring you a roleplaying (?) tale straight out of the bowels of 4chan today featuring Edgardo and A Guy Called Squid.
Its format is horrid, some of the people in it are consistently horrible but also awesome or maybe just everyone in it is horrible all the time - you be the judge of that. I just couldn't stop reading until I read it all!
So, this is what my family is living through while I'm half a world away fighting with fucking bureaucrats.
I can't even
- topic:timeago_later,25 days
I thought it made for an interesting read. TVs Are Still Too Complicated And It's Not Your Fault by Walt Mossberg.
Edit: Sony Releases New Stupid Piece Of Shit That Doesn't Fucking Work.
TIL Groundhog Day was born out of considering the eternal life of a vampire.
- topic:timeago_later,8 days
In a little under two days, Monte Cook's latest RPG, Invisible Sun, was successfully Kickstarted for $210,653.
At $197 a copy.
(Note, if The Community ever wanted to pay me for coding, I think this would be what I'd ask for. And then not know what to do with it. I am deeply intrigued.)
@Thenomain said in Random links:
In a little under two days, Monte Cook's latest RPG, Invisible Sun, was successfully Kickstarted for $210,653.
At $197 a copy.
(Note, if The Community ever wanted to pay me for coding, I think this would be what I'd ask for. And then not know what to do with it. I am deeply intrigued.)
The fucking HELL? That is WAY too much money for an RPG.
The fuck is you thinkin', Monte? Do you want pirates?
@Coin https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/montecookgames/invisible-sun/#project_faq_180803
But yes, $200 is a lot for an new RPG product. It certainly cuts most people without disposable income right out including students and teenagers.
@Arkandel said in Random links:
@Coin https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/montecookgames/invisible-sun/#project_faq_180803
But yes, $200 is a lot for an new RPG product. It certainly cuts most people without disposable income right out including students and teenagers.
Ah, I guess that explains it.
I suppose the problem is that they're expecting people to dish it out all in one go.
If you're a Star Trek fan and haven't seen this, do yourself a favor and check out Star Trek Continues. You will not be sorry.
The Invisible Sun game seems to be aimed solidly at adults in terms of price and content. There is talk of apps to help coordinate and even play on busy adult schedules.
@Misadventure said in Random links:
The Invisible Sun game seems to be aimed solidly at adults in terms of price and content. There is talk of apps to help coordinate and even play on busy adult schedules.
Still not worth $200.
My first inclination was to say they should have scaled it up, allowed more modular options to ease players into it, etc...
... Then I realized they've already exceeded their goal, so ... I dunno. I wonder how many of those copies will actually get played, as opposed to sitting on shelves by the people who can afford $200 for a single RPG - but I'd probably be wrong about that, too.
I'll let you know what I think.
But you know how much I hate everything. Especially content creation instead of content creation tools (eg settings, instead of say a story creation tool).