I cannot imagine ruffle-shuffling those.
RL things I love
I cannot imagine ruffle-shuffling those.
I am really happy with my new apartment. I need some furniture still (a couch or a couple chairs, some bookshelves...), but otherwise it's coming along well.
My roommate doesn't move in until the 15th. Right now I'm savoring living alone, since I haven't in 9 years. I wish I didn't have to have a roommate, but I don't make enough money to afford to live around here alone.
@Auspice said in RL things I love:
I am jealous of your collection. I have 70+ decks of cards, but none so wild as this. I need your sources!
Some of them can probably be had from http://www.aliexpress.com. (I know the PVC playing cards can. Probably the Majiang cards too. I don't know about the more culturally obscure ones.)
@Thenomain said in RL things I love:
I cannot imagine ruffle-shuffling those.
Shuffling those I've seen two variants: dump 'em on a table face-down and mix them up by stirring, and hold half of them in each hand at the bottom and interpenetrate at the tips.
The stirring shuffle works better than a riffle, but takes a lot of space and time. The interpenetration one is about the same as a riffle but takes skill to pull off. Skill I currently lack.
@surreality said in RL things I love:
@Tyche said in RL things I love:
We're traveling out to Hollywood tomorrow to investigate rumors of a troop of Toreador that have been producing really bad movies.
Bonus points if they work for the Syfy network? I would hope.
Well things didn't work out so well. We killed a few vampires, but we lost two of our party.
And the clan leader got away, but we now know who he is though.
It's David Hasselhoff! -
@Auspice said in RL things I love:
I am jealous of your collection. I have 70+ decks of cards, but none so wild as this. I need your sources!
OK, I did some digging.
A general AliExpress search for PVC cards led me to this set of the weirder cards in under a minute. This leads me to believe you won't have too many problems finding interesting card decks there.
You may thank me for your bankruptcy later.
@WTFE said in RL things I love:
@Auspice said in RL things I love:
I am jealous of your collection. I have 70+ decks of cards, but none so wild as this. I need your sources!
OK, I did some digging.
A general AliExpress search for PVC cards led me to this set of the weirder cards in under a minute. This leads me to believe you won't have too many problems finding interesting card decks there.
You may thank me for your bankruptcy later.
Woooo! Excitement.
I've finished The Last of Us no less than five times. And it still hits me in the feels in 60 fps.
Do you have children?
Here's something you should watch, all the way through: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyZaOQu9chQ
Of course, it is further evidence that I am a monster that feeds off the sadness of others.
SO SCHMALTZY. I am one of those terrible people who is super cynical about this book. My aunt gave me a copy after my son was born and told me all about how it made her cry and I was just like 'but this is creepy as fuck!'
Womp womp.
I get a kick out of some of our ESL student/faculty sometimes. Today I was called the Library Officer. I'm working a reference desk, not going over the top!
Jason Momoa. Full stop.
I've shared this story with a few people and so while it might out me, or some people might decide that CUPCAKE IS NAMEDROPPING! I think it's relevant to the current subject and kind of fun for me to share.
I used to work for a fairly large convention in their "American Scifi" track. Part of my job was escorting the various guests to their panels and autograph tables and being a gopher as they might need. I'm pretty laid back about meeting actors and whatnot - I mean, even when I might be screaming inside like a 12 year old I keep it pretty cool outwardly.
And then there was Jason Momoa.
It was my plan to introduce myself to him because I had been assigned to get him and the other Stargate actors to their autograph table. I walked up to him and and held out my hand for a shake and started with, "Hi, I'm --- "
First thought: OhmygodhehasaquamarineeyesI'veneverseenactualaquamarineeyesbeforeonlytheSweetValleyHighTwinshaveaquamarine eyes...
Second thought: he smells like the ocean in Hawaii on a spring day...
I'm standing there like an idiot with my hand out, STARING at Jason Momoa. He's clearly used to it. And with a gentle smile says, "Hi, I'm Jason."
Cupcake's brain clicks back into gear, I introduce myself, we move on with life.
Last night I was kind of a little too high and I was explaining to my husband that I love him, but I /also/ love Jason Momoa.
@Cupcake That story is best story.
(There is a list of people I am pretty sure I would react that way to, exactly. It isn't a long list, but there's definitely a list of people around whom I am certain I would utterly and completely forget how to speak English.)
Edit: OH! I also, actually, knew a dude with aquarmarine eyes, back in art school. He could indeed stare at you and make you forget you had knees. It must be a secret superpower, seriously. That he was a total stoner and tended to stare aimlessly at people (on many of whom this magical power was demonstrated) made it funnier, somehow, but you'd see conversations just... trail right off from the female end with dazzling, hilarious frequency. It was kinda awesome.
I swear to god, I haven't had a celebrity crush since I was a teenager. This man, yo. This one. He's beautiful and funny and smart and unafraid to swear like a fucking sailor and his politics are on point.
A former friend of mine was a big fan of Kinsey and thus assumed that everybody was secretly bisexual at some level or another. I was not a big fan of Kinsey and disagreed. He would often needle me with questions like "how beautiful would a guy have to be for you to want to fuck him?"
One day I met Jude Law. VERY briefly, only in passing, but I met him in person nonetheless.
The next day I told him "Nik, that beautiful" pointing to the movie poster featuring Jude Law at the cinema we were attending.
I know, I know. I'm getting tedious with this, but a new deck of cards has come in. This is a "Six Tigers" deck (in plastic that doesn't seem to be PVC), which is a game from one of the many, many, many minorities in China: the Hakka.
This will be added to my photo-essay when Imgur stops being a broken piece of shit.
(Edited: Imgur hasn't stopped being a broken piece of shit, but I found a workaround. It's in the photo-essay now.)
I feel like I should photograph my cards... But they're almost all standard playing cards of various designs/styles.