Sep 19, 2016, 5:24 PM

@Cupcake said in The 100: The Mush:

Actually, he was a big part of what made an otherwise fun environment go seriously sour. He had a habit of shredding apart anything that other people enjoyed, beyond the point of just not liking it to insulting it (it's okay to not like things, BUT DON'T BE A DICK ABOUT IT), used to passive-aggressively snark at players and staff on channel, and was, imo, generally unpleasant to be around. I only rp'd with him when I had to, and when I realized he was making me reactionary and falling into bad behavioral habits, did my best to keep my contact to a minimum.

He wasn't the only one, in fairness. Just probably the only one I felt comfortable naming at the time because he didn't have any prior connections (that I know about), so I knew everyone would agree with me. It was easy, any time someone brought up shitty players, to go, 'Like Jumar?' To which unanimously people I spoke to would say, 'Yeah, Jumar.'

He didn't actually creep on me personally, mind, though I fully believe @tek that he did. He was just frequently obnoxious in my general vicinity, of the bang-my-head-against-the-wall but not the I-need-an-adult variety.

ETA: Really I'm just commenting because as much as I felt annoyed by this player, I don't think it's fair to make him a sole scapegoat.