@Ghost said in The 100: The Mush:
Hindsight20/20 leading off with that would have been more constructive and made me look less like a trolly cunt.
Here's my problem with what you said here, @Ghost...
Not once in this entire thing did you ever present your arguments in a way that was constructive. You've been VERY clear your job here is to basically point out all our flaws as some huge PSA to the community. And then, when we opened a private game, you decided to point an ugly finger our way as if we were doing something so outrageously heinous, that it would result in the END OF ALL THINGS.
This was never about wanting to help us as Staffers "change." And, to be honest, I have yet to fully unpack why you have decided we are the WORST STAFFERS OF ALL TIME, OMG -- which is exactly how you have presented us (until now).
TFW was an original theme, and we had developed a lot of it before it opened. It was not a blank canvas for people to paint their own vision on. When there were blank spots, we totally tapped players who would have a horse in that race to help fill those blanks. Demanding player input on everything was not feasible for that game's theme, because we had so much of it already developed when we opened. So, if that is truly what is bothering you, is that we did not ask you for input, then I have no idea how to tackle that. It has been over 2 years since the game closed, so I honestly cannot remember if you ever came to us and offered possible additions to theme.
But as you have said, you seriously need to change your approach, because I personally found nothing you said constructive, and everything you said a direct insult to us as players and staffers. And I cannot tell you how many times I asked people who know you, played with you, or had any general interaction with you what exactly we did that resulted in you thinking we took a massive dump in your oatmeal.
You keep bringing up that we pigeonhole games to be about our PCs... but, honestly, I can't even think of one instance where TFW was 100% centered around Ellinor, Devon, Letha, or Lionel. Or where it was about Nikomachos, Victor, Jeremy, or Drake. In fact, we tended to treat our PCs like total shit as Staffers (i.e. Nikomachos's dad being discredited, thrown under the bus, and his family being painted as unreliable Knights). Now, I'm gonna say that my goal with a character is always to tell their story with them at the center, but I tell that story from my CHARACTER bit, and not from my STAFF bit. So, yeah... my character's aren't flat people who are just there along for the ride or to be the supporting cast. If you got some examples to throw out where we turned our characters into the Biggest Damn Heroes on the MUSH, please let me know. Maybe your perception of what happened is far different than mine. You can either do it here in a public forum, or you can PM me, but honestly... I'm tired of this bullshit.
So if you truly want to help us BE BETTER PEOPLE (since we apparently are the worst), then be as constructive as you think you should be.