Oct 6, 2016, 9:17 PM

@GirlCalledBlu said in The 100: The Mush:

@Sunny said in The 100: The Mush:

I think you're a lovely person, your husband as well, but I don't think either of you should ever, ever run a public game with just the two of you. You have no balancing factors, no one to reality check you, no one to bounce stuff off of. You provide an echo chamber for one another. Not always a problem with everyone who does these things by themselves in a pair, but in the case of the 100, you shut out and shut down a portion of your playerbase because of it, and y'all made some really, really bad decisions.

Fair enough, @Sunny.

You're right-- we do, do that.

Thank you for the constructive feedback.

You're welcome. I truly do hope you guys go on to do new projects -- just pull in a third / fourth person to play with you (ideally, someone good at administration) and you'd probably be golden. You tell great stories! And you really are nice people that I like.