@surreality said in RL Anger:
It's one of those questions you can't say no to without being the bad guy, and those suck.
Like, I get shit being derailed for actual emergencies, but that doesn't strike me as an emergency. 
This is absolutely, empirically, objectively not an emergency.
This is, without a doubt in my mind, a ploy for Him to get some action from Her.
See, this is how the conversation would have went with me, without a doubt.
Friend: Hey, a friend of mine is fighting with her boyfriend and she doesn't have a car. Can we give her a ride? It'll just be a quick detour.
Ganymede: I don't want no random bitch in my car, what's wrong with you?
Friend: She's not random! I've known her for a few months now.
Ganymede: She's random to me, dork. Are you trying to fuck her?
Friend: No.
Ganymede: Then, no.
Friend: That's really shitty of you.
Ganymede: No, that's really shitty of you. We planned this day a while back; I took a vacation day for it; and now you want to interrupt it to comfort this girl who's random to me when we planned this so we comfort each other by re-living our glory days. If I was sucking your dick on the regular, you wouldn't even think of doing this to me.
Friend: So, you're saying I should just blow off my friend because you say so?
Ganymede: No, I'm saying this because you're blowing me off.
Friend: I'm her only friend.
Ganymede: If she told you that, she's lying. Even if it isn't, you're still blowing me off.
Friend: This is an emergency.
Ganymede: No, it isn't, and you know it isn't, and if you want to blow me off to get some pussy, I can understand it but will remain super pissed at you for making me waste a vacation day.
Friend: You could hang with someone else.
Ganymede: And I may be doing that for the rest of our lives. Have fun being the wet shoulder for some emotionally-unstable train-wreck.