Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
@kitteh I'm not sure any of it is worth anxiety. Revelations aren't particularly important, that I've seen. There might be a few that are groundshaking revelations, but if they are, I haven't seen them - /and/ it hasn't mattered for affecting the game in a positive direction.
In general, Arx is complex enough that I think it's important to recognize a) you will not know all the things, b) it's okay not to know all the things, and c) what you do is ultimately more important than knowing that 800 years ago Baron von Diorite built the Cogs of Awesomeness and then got his face eaten by a demon.
I have been happiest in playing when I have looked around for something that I and my character found genuinely interesting, and poked at it, whether other people were into it or not, and whether it tied into whoever's trying to murder us all this month, or not.
@kitteh Yeah, @Pyrephox is spot on. One of mine is about the death of a prominent NPC, for example. All the clues attached to it say 'JEEZ, THEIR DEATH SURE WAS FISHY'. The revelation, paraphrased, says 'WOW, THAT IS DEFINITELY FISHY' without actually going into detail about why it's fishy.
It's pretty nice to have it as a sort of confirmation, but it's generally not current or super relevant information or something determining decisions/actions.
I've got open features available in my domain too, not just myself, but in the Counties and baronies below.
@pyrephox Oh believe me, knowing 'all the things' is so far from my goals...
Re: 'poking at the one thing' that's definitely my approach too. I don't mind it and have no real need to, say, solve the big problems or anything, it's just about finding a point where it can dovetail in at all usefully. I have made progress on one particular thing, or feel like I have, but figuring out how to do it mechanically came too late for the relevant crisis/situation (my first attempt was an example of, I think, staff subconsciously being more 'yes'-prone for combat, but more critical/restrictive with non-combat). At this point I'm waiting around for that one to go back on the docket. I am cautiously hopeful!
@OldFrightful Haha, OK maybe I won't worry about those too much then.
@cupcake Yes, but I have everything open. Everything.
Marches down to Baronies.
Okay, cool. That's totally understandable and what I figured would be the case. I was just suddenly a little worried that it would be like 'Voices must be social leaders', rather than 'Voices who aren't social voices will need help sometimes'.
I try as my character to stick to my lanes and not start pushing into other people's niches just because I have the XP for it. My prince is clearly written to be not great a politics, but he could become a military commander trying to follow in the footsteps of his uncle. Where as my duchess is more of a social character and has no business in combat, ever. I try not to cross those streams.
@cobaltasaurus said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
@cupcake Yes, but I have everything open. Everything.
Marches down to Baronies.
I'm pretty sure it's not a contest?
Since this is a huge thread, and Arx isn't a 'coming soon' kind of game any more, I moved this over to the Mildly Constructive section.
If the game's runners also want a curated ad thread that's perfectly fine and they can create one. If they want this one renamed I'll be happy to do so as well.
@arkandel said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
If the game's runners also want a curated ad thread that's perfectly fine
How big of you!
@kanye-qwest said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
How big of you!
We could move this thread to the Hog Pit, if you deem it more appropriate.
@ganymede Where's that eyeroll gif Roz is always posting when you need it?
@kanye-qwest said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
Where's that eyeroll gif Roz is always posting when you need it?
Which one?
There's the classic Iron Man eyeroll:
I'm partial to this one:
But is there anyone better at the Modern Eye-Roll than Tina Fey?
I think not.
@ganymede said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
@kanye-qwest said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
Where's that eyeroll gif Roz is always posting when you need it?
Which one?
I'm partial to this one:
That's the one I'm always using, yup!
2-weeks-in thoughts:
- I'm now off @rs! I was able to get a bunch of connections in that time; hopefully that propels forward.
- I'm getting more used to the "public RP is actually public, and people will walk in without asking" vibe, but it still weirds me out a bit at times. I ask by default, even now, because that's the culture I came from. Maybe I'll be more carefree about it, but there are times when I tap out because a manageable 2- or 3-PC scene turns into a giant clusterfuck of 10+ PCs all doing their thing (my own included, so I'm just as guilty as everyone else).
- This is a big ask on the code front, but maybe @rs could be refined a bit: last week I got three PCs who I hadn't met (though only managed to scene with one: Iliana and Luis, let's still look each other up, if you're reading this!) -- but the week before that I had two PCs I literally had just gotten out of a scene with just before cron recycled. This week I have one PC my PC knows quite well, and one PC in his org. I'd probably RP with both of them anyway (though I did tell the well-known PC's player that I operate with a sense of breathing room... guess not!
) I don't think it would be practicable to code this, and it might just be my weird luck of the draw, but it's something I've noticed nonetheless.
- I got my first revelation. Yay! So I'm making progress on the @clue front. I started on two of my own theories; one I think is pretty sound, but we'll see! Sharing as it comes up IC. Thanks to @Darinelle and others for the hand-holding as I found my footing on that front.
- Helpfiles: need a rewrite. I heard it from others too. @investigate/@helpinvestigate are the ones that came up recently. I'll also note @actions and @relationships as two others that are a bit murky.
- @Family: I caught mentions of this needing to be on for all PCs, but I don't see my PC as the type to have in-play relatives (he has enough hooks as it is). Is there a way to set this up so that you can avoid in-play relatives?
- I've gotten more used to @journal, even if mine are very short and tend to be responses to others' or IC jokes, so that's no longer an issue. (Sorry, Derovai's just not an "imma share my feelings" type of guy! But I've found a way to handle it that feels sensible.)
- Considering an alt that is Derovai's complete opposite. An Archlector. How much thematic grok would I need to app that?
@fortydeuce said in [Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
- @Family: I caught mentions of this needing to be on for all PCs, but I don't see my PC as the type to have in-play relatives (he has enough hooks as it is). Is there a way to set this up so that you can avoid in-play relatives?
This bbpost was specifically about getting the various kids that have been born on-cam onto @family so that they don't get forgotten, so not something you need to worry about.
Players don't actually generally own their family trees, but that's more a thing that comes up with noble houses.
- Considering an alt that is Derovai's complete opposite. An Archlector. How much thematic grok would I need to app that?
If you're interested in the IC religion stuff, you'll be fine! Just ask questions. There are some cool skill-gated helpfiles you get access to with the Theology skill, too.
This is a big ask on the code front, but maybe @rs could be refined a bit: last week I got three PCs who I hadn't met (though only managed to scene with one: Iliana and Luis, let's still look each other up, if you're reading this!) -- but the week before that I had two PCs I literally had just gotten out of a scene with just before cron recycled. This week I have one PC my PC knows quite well, and one PC in his org. I'd probably RP with both of them anyway (though I did tell the well-known PC's player that I operate with a sense of breathing room... guess not!
) I don't think it would be practicable to code this, and it might just be my weird luck of the draw, but it's something I've noticed nonetheless.
@fortydeuce What are you actually suggesting here? Like refine it to prefer people you've met, haven't met? It's not really clear.
@oldfrightful Haven't met? Or at least haven't met a lot? It was pretty amusing to me at first when it recycled with chars A and B when I'd just gotten out of a scene with A, B, and C, but given what it did this week, maybe there's a way to check previous @rs claims for the newbie period and prevent against them coming up in the next <x> @rses. Certainly doesn't need to be a code priority; might just be my weird luck!
I'm a bit punchdrunk because I was up stupidly late last night for no reason, so sorry for lack of clarity above.
Personally I just wish I could swap my @rs picks between alts. Like yes okay I'll rp with my character's BFF on my alt but it's awkward.
@saosmash From someone who has no alts, that's actually a really good idea that I'd second.