Unless she killed them all so as to block out any rivals!
Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
Unless she killed them all so as to block out any rivals!
Well. Not the only house. Tyde also only has one living noble. It makes sense not to let someone app something that steps on existing canon.
Sylvie is an only child; if someone came and was like the only thing I want to play is your sibling then I would be like well you can't, too.
Sometimes a little RP blocking is excusable. Heck, sometimes it's the right thing to do.
If you've been playing a character in an established situation, and a new player comes in and wants to establish something that would change your character's world in a way you aren't comfortable with, it's okay to say no. If you're not happy with saying that your character's childhood guardian, whose death set her on the path to be who she is today, is actually secretly alive and turned to evil, that doesn't make you a terrible person. (If you are willing, awesome, but there's nothing terrible about saying no.) "Collaborative" doesn't mean you have to bend over so far backwards that you break your own spine.
I just try to remember that this is equally the case for everyone else. No matter how minor a revision I think it is to existing continuity to have the Marquis of Montrose have a secret illegitimate daughter, I don't know what other people may have built on top of continuity as it exists.
And staff will work around that too from what I see. For instance Redrain recently had two people want to chargen brothers to Freja, Fergus, and Anze. Staff told them that that particularly immediate family is full and staff made them cousins from another branch.
I had the opposite experience, I got a bit blindsided that some new guy coming in was gonna be my character's brother, and that two characters that had been playing as my distant relatives were gonna be nieces now. It didn't actually come to anything in the end, for unrelated reasons but it is the bit I like the least about the Roster experience so far. The upmake of your close family can suddently change without anyone having spoken with you.
The weirdest thing I have run into there was not strictly Roster related, but House Laurent's duchy moved.
By quite a lot, maybe 500 miles? I mean it made sense and I like the implications of the new position on the map, also much less crowded where they were before, but it was mildly disconcerting and I only found out through a casual mention from somebody else.
That's part of the trouble with trusting the player-made maps -- they aren't accurate and until dominion in, all geography is more of a guideline. I don't even look at them at this point, I consider them Max's hobby project and ignore it.
No, this was definitely canon, I spoke to Apostate and ended up re-writing the Artshall description so that it was on the correct river, etc.
@Packrat Oh, well. That's probably my fault, then, since I wrote the original one based on my vague understanding of where Artshall was supposed to be. >.> Sorry!
@Olsson said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
I had the opposite experience, I got a bit blindsided that some new guy coming in was gonna be my character's brother, and that two characters that had been playing as my distant relatives were gonna be nieces now. It didn't actually come to anything in the end, for unrelated reasons but it is the bit I like the least about the Roster experience so far. The upmake of your close family can suddently change without anyone having spoken with you.
I feel like that happened more back in alpha, when a lot of things were fluid and still being laid down. I suspect the closer they get to being out of beta, the less likely any established family will have a significant change in the makeup of immediate family.
I mean, yeah, that'd weird me out a bit too if there'd been a lot of RP around it, but if that happened in alpha I'd probably shrug it off. Since during alpha there was a fairly clear "we're still nailing things down, and there are 'under construction' and 'wet paint' signs everywhere, please be aware and play at your own risk for now" attitude towards things in general.
The map on the main site is helpful but only to a degree, and since it doesn't have borders, it doesn't make it clear as to how large a given demesne is. Apparently Sam's March is ridiculously enormous, which is okay with me if only because it means I get to make up some cool regional story stuff.
@Sparks said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
@Olsson said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
I had the opposite experience, I got a bit blindsided that some new guy coming in was gonna be my character's brother, and that two characters that had been playing as my distant relatives were gonna be nieces now. It didn't actually come to anything in the end, for unrelated reasons but it is the bit I like the least about the Roster experience so far. The upmake of your close family can suddently change without anyone having spoken with you.
I feel like that happened more back in alpha, when a lot of things were fluid and still being laid down. I suspect the closer they get to being out of beta, the less likely any established family will have a significant change in the makeup of immediate family.
I mean, yeah, that'd weird me out a bit too if there'd been a lot of RP around it, but if that happened in alpha I'd probably shrug it off. Since during alpha there was a fairly clear "we're still nailing things down, and there are 'under construction' and 'wet paint' signs everywhere, please be aware and play at your own risk for now" attitude towards things in general.
I take entire blame for that incident. I should have made clear to the person requesting the family member to assure it was noted that we'd all being going the angle of cousins of some sort.
@saosmash said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
@Packrat Oh, well. That's probably my fault, then, since I wrote the original one based on my vague understanding of where Artshall was supposed to be. >.> Sorry!
Nah, I think staff just reconsidered and moved Artshall further away so that it was not directly between Sanctum and the other Valardin duchy. Now it is on the Lyceum border which is actually pretty cool and adds extra impetus to the Laurent alliance with Fidante.
I am really sad to see Victus go. He was always very fair to me OOCly and ICly. And I was happy he (the player) took over Thrax as he seemed level-headed and fair in all the interactions I have had with him.
I never had an issue with Julea. I felt bad she got banned.
I will not be applying for Victus because I have Abbas in the ultimate position I enjoy my character to be in. Had Victus still been the Warlord I would have totes been all about it. I do not enjoy the resource management side of these games enough to ever try and do anything other than a small portion of that sort of commitment.
I hope the person that takes over Victus plays the character in the same manner. He was such a great character. There is only one individual I would absolutely detest seeing play him. And I would leave my character over it but I doubt staff makes that decision! So I think it's going to be all gravy with whomever takes the bit.
@buttercup said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
I hope the person that takes over Victus plays the character in the same manner. He was such a great character. There is only one individual I would absolutely detest seeing play him. And I would leave my character over it but I doubt staff makes that decision! So I think it's going to be all gravy with whomever takes the bit.
Whether Victus is taken by a new player or he remains unplayed can have a ripple effect. For instance if that player chooses to go with a different direction that can have a significant impact on characters in Thrax, its vassal Houses and those outside of its sphere of influence.
I'm trying to distance myself from this. It left a bad taste in my mouth, which isn't fun to begin with, but also if that actually affects how I play my character then I'd be no better than the people I criticize.
You have an easy IC excuse for a slight change in personality. The weight of leadership has changed him.
@Ominous said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
You have an easy IC excuse for a slight change in personality. The weight of leadership has changed him.
Especially given all the almost existential-level threats either currently arrayed against the Compact, or on the horizon as a future problem. That's a rough time, ICly, to be someone taking the reins; the weight of leadership may be even heavier than it would be in more peaceful times.
@Monogram said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
This all just makes me think of Star Crusade and I start having violent tremors.
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
- 13 days later
I gotta question.
Aside from judging the staff as being inherently flawed if they allow Custodius on the game--you could judge a staff poorly by whether or not they recognize the "threat"...
...don't you think that crediting one person for ruining games is a bit of a stretch, not to mention giving him waaaay too much credit for his impact? I mean, even if I loathed him and thought he was the worst thing ever to "contribute" to MU*ing, I wouldn't allow that to push me away from a game I otherwise liked. It seems like you give him way too much power over your choices.
(Note this doesn't apply to MU* on which he staffs if you hate him. Or anyone. Me, I don't hate him. He's never affected any game I'm on so poorly or strongly that I wanted to leave it or freak out about him. But I see a lot of power being given to one person over other peoples' decisions not to stay or even give a game a chance.)
@Shayd said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
I wouldn't allow that to push me away from a game I otherwise liked. It seems like you give him way too much power over your choices.
Who said they left the game because of Custodius?