I would love to be excited about Cyberpunk 2077, but it is way too far off for me to even think about. 10 months? That's excessive for a pre-order for me. Though in the days of people funding a game before its even made, I guess it isn't that long.
Also, to me, the Avenger game doesn't look great at all. What I've seen so far has been pretty meh. Not only does it look dated, but the generic likenesses are super cheezy. Good luck with that one. I don't anticipate it breaking any records. Not good ones, anyway.
And the Oculus Quest has proven to be crazy fun. And a good work out. I got Vader Immortal and the lightsaber training is very fun. The story mode lasts about 5 seconds, but just lightsabering training droids and blaster bolts in a cord-free virtual environment has been hours and hours of sweaty fun. It does use all the space around you so you do have to (get to) turn around and watch out for attacks from behind. Lightsabering is not as physically intensive as boxing, though. Boxing in Creed and the training that goes with it really takes work. Loving it all around. VR games don't tend to have a very long story, but I guess the value is mostly in training high scores and multiplayer modes.