Jun 21, 2018, 6:47 PM

To make up for the DB crash, and to assure that I don't hide behind it, the following conversation happened:

Me: Super Mutants in Fallout 76 is lazy. So stupid.
Faraday: Why is more canon stupid?
Me: Because reasons.
Faraday: Well it's their property.
Me: It's stupid reasons.
Faraday: O...kay? I mean I respectfully disagree, but—
(images of people backing away slowly from the frothing person)


That said, game companies need to realize that a lot of very skilled nerds play their games, and to stop trying to pull bullshit like spyware on us.

Holy crap, Kerbal is on this list? What the hell, goofy indie darlings? The rest of these people I expected to be amoral, but Kerbal?

My life is a lie.