I am unsure if @Macha's comment was towards my post or her own, so please take this as more venting and not directed at you if you were talking about your job, not my comment.
I mean, I can't call my district assholes though. We already pay the most of any other district in the state. Like, SIGNIFICANTLY MORE. Plus we're under enrolled so we are also literally getting less money from the state this year. My little sister came to work for us from a district in a northern city and is making ten dollars more an hour than she did there.
I make forty thousand dollars more than my elder sister in another district on the far western side of the state.
We still can't hire for all our open positions and are utterly screwed once we lose our covid-vaccine refusers. No one wants the jobs already.
I heard today that another school in our district is shuttering their autism program completely. They just don't have the staff to cover it AND the regular classrooms.
I don't know what will happen to the kiddos enrolled in that program. Will they just be tossed into gen-ed? Will they get their needs met? Will this increase class sizes?
Just like - wtf is wrong with everything right now. This is a whole different kind of stress from last year.