Jul 21, 2019, 5:02 PM

@Atomic said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:

@Wretched said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:

@JinShei You should also try cheering up. Maybe smile more? Cant you just get over it? It's all in your head after all. Just eat less.

You forgot somethingsomething gluten and weed is the new Jesus.

Oh lord I fucking hate the 'I went gluten free and it cured me!'

The worst I ever encountered was someone I only distantly knew messaging me to be like 'My husband's cousin had some medical condition and she went gluten free and it cured her so I totally think that it would cure you of your fibromyalgia!'

They didn't even know what the condition the person had was. And when I explained my dietary needs and also 'no, fibro cannot be cured by diet' they got really offended.

Pro-tip: someone with a chronic illness has probably been working with doctors and doing their own research for years. Good recommendations are things like 'omg I found this heating pad that's amazing' (I have an electric lap blanket I love for this reason!) or 'My cousin's girlfriend has the same condition and she told me that <doctor> has been really helpful and understanding.'

Those are fine. Getting in my face insisting I take on some fad is not.