Jun 20, 2015, 5:22 AM

@HelloRaptor said:

@Surreality & @Thenomain

So no expendable henchmen as a Fairest. I agree that that's a bit odd, especially since the curse is about regretting failure and sometimes plans might succeed because underlings get hurt.

I wrote that bit.

You can absolutely have expendable henchmen as a Fairest. Fairest have problems with unintended harm. You can still be a fucking tyrant as a Fairest, you can still throw underlings at a problem with the expectation that they'll suffer even grievous harm in the process, if it's necessary to succeed.

This is where I side with Thenomain, in that the writeup doesn't say that to me. The writeup says, "if your people get hurt, you failed them". This is reinforced by the name of the curse: "Weight of the Righteous". The control freak example works mechanically, but thematically? It looks like Fairest are going to heavily involve the concept of ethical leadership. They are often the rulers, but they are also servants. Heavy lies the head that wears the crown. With great power comes great responsibility.

Where I disagree with Theno is that he thinks that isn't nuanced. I think that's hella nuanced. It cuts out some of the "pretty folk" and focuses more on the organizers, the orators, and the commanders.