@aerianyx Not being able to sleep is more serious than you think. If something is preventing you from it and you are struggling, there is no shame at all in looking for help. It's not a contest. I know how hard that is to accept, believe me, but it isn't. What you are going through is real, and you deserve to have better health.
Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@aerianyx Not being able to sleep is more serious than you think. If something is preventing you from it and you are struggling, there is no shame at all in looking for help. It's not a contest. I know how hard that is to accept, believe me, but it isn't. What you are going through is real, and you deserve to have better health.
@aerianyx We tend to see mental stuff as separate, as if it's just a matter of not trying hard enough, or not making oneself being happy enough, or malingering, or whatever. But the brain is an organ, too.
I have Lupus, which is also an invisible illness. My immune system attacks my body and causes chemical imbalances. It's not like a broken leg; it's ongoing, and sometimes the effects are subtle, and debilitating.
That's how things like depression and anxiety work. They're chemical imbalances, sometimes they cause inflammation, lethargy, fatigue, sleepnessness. It's the brain physically not working properly.
That's why you see a doctor.
Sure, 'others suffer more'. I had stage 3c cancer. Some people get stage 4, should I not have gone to the doctor? I have type 2 diabetes, should I not have that monitored by my doc every month because some people have type 1? My feet aren't falling off, does that mean I should just suck it up and produce more insulin? It's not that bad, right?
Tell that to my friends, several of whom have died and one of whom is in dialysis right now because they didn't monitor and treat their diabetes.
That's the same kind of trap as avoiding help because you're struggling with your brain. It's okay. Society is absolutely stupid about this, but don't let it sabotage your well-being.
@aerianyx said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
It always feels so melodramatic to think of or call something I am dealing with 'suffering'.
It is absolutely suffering, period, end of story. @Auspice and everyone else are 100% right on this.
@AeriaNyx And continuing the TMI, I can personally tell you that lack of sleep makes everything, mentally and physically, worse. I have only been able to sleep a few hours a night for a long time (it's caused by lupus and my meds), and sometimes not at all, and my god does it drag at me. It makes my immune system angrier, it fucks with my blood pressure, and I get these horrible racing yammering thoughts that keep me more awake, and then I get these ridiculous notions like I suck, I'm worthless, I'm broken, etc.
Over time, that shit can cause heart disease and all sorts of ugly stuff. It can impair your insulin function. It's really bad for you!
When I can actually get a good night's sleep, especially a few consecutively, I still feel physically worn out, but my god is there a difference.
Please go see a doctor.
@Paris is absolutely right here. See your doc.
I spent years 'oh, it's just an anxious stomach'-ing a problem that came within 4 hours of putting me in the ground -- and I still thought I was probably being ridiculous and melodramatic when I asked to go to the ER for it.
I was not being ridiculous and I should have gone before that. Long before that -- the only ridiculous thing going on was me telling myself I was being ridiculous.
Not a joke.
We may not know each other, @AeriaNyx, but I know enough to know I definitely don't want to see anything bad happen to you. Please see the doc. It is important. If it is impacting your life, it is important.
@aerianyx said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
It always feels so melodramatic to think of or call something I am dealing with 'suffering'. Like, real suffering is a tragedy. I've got a serious case of the weepies-slash-can't-sleepies. But I will definitely call him. Because the not being able to sleep is really not making the anxiety any better.
To say that one is starving sounds melodramatic, but if you are in fact starving there is nothing melodramatic about seeking food.
You need food to live. You need sleep to live. And you need to have a sound mind to live.
When someone calls my UTILITY drawer the JUNK drawer! Well!
@deathbird The Drawer of Lost Things.
@auspice @AeriaNyx Fuuuuuck Welbutrin. Fuck that shit to heck.
So Hi, Depression here. + Anxiety and probably ADHD (diagnosed as a kid, 'inconclusive' because of some fancy test of theirs as an adult).
I was on welbutrin for a bit. They told me to give it time. I gave it months.
it made everything worse. Sure on good days i was good. Except that happened once in a blue moon. Oh the bad days (much more common) my temper was like trhe tide in a storm. All over the fucking place and way more dramatic than ever. Oh and then the sadness. The 'my Rp partner had to go early, clearly they hate me, i am awful, I know, lets cry over imagined slights!' Like full on bawling over nothing.
I should mention, they also were giving me a generic Ritalin at the same time. A drug i told them i took in high school that gave me headaches and made me paranoid. Welbutrin was also something my mother was on and she had a terrible reaction to it.
But hey i quit the ADHD one and stayed on Welbutrin, trying to be compliant, but no, sorry, just FUCK THAT DRUG. I am glad it works for some but... now.
This year i started marijuana. It's not covered by insurance, but for the first time in over a decade i have motivation and ambition again. I have started eating healthier, exercising on the regular, even when inconvenient, to the point that I now crave exercise. As a result my tastes have changed, and while i get the munchies urge, it's usually for better stuff than i used to eat. I've lost ~25lbs.
I havent been to my psych doctor in over a year however, and i kinda have anxiety about that. All my life i got hammered into my head 'Drugz R Bad' I grew up during D.A.R.E., and I fear conversing with my doctor about it, because I am 99% sure she's gonna be 'Stop the weed and try this other drug that'll take months to determine if it works or not and may make you insane again!
Sorry i needed to go off for a bit.
Fuck Welbutrin (unless it works for you then yay but really you are a mutant because fuck that drug)
@wretched My doc had me try Wellbutrin for a month.
Within a week it caused a migraine so brutal I could not get out of bed to even pee without my husband half-carrying me because I was straight up blind with the blurry and the 'if I even open my eyes a sliver the pain knocks my knees out from under me'.
Seconding the fuck that drug, and adding a 'with a nail-studded baseball bat, all ass, no lube'.
Generic ritalin is garbage. It gave me a headache every day I was on it. Generic adderall does not, luckily.
Different things work for different people. Most anti-depressants are useless if not outright bad for me. Like Effexor? It gave me mild seizures and coming off of it, I had to be under very, very close observation, get MRIs regularly, etc... after one doctor kept raising the doses and telling me 'just keep watching it, it'll go away and you'll get better, promise!'
The new doctor who took me off of it was very unimpressed, let me tell you.
Prozac or zoloft gave me paranoid delusions.Like, some meds have horrid side-effects. Some work great! The one that worked THE BEST was ascendin. But it's no longer used in the US.
Wellbutrin is the best since. But yeah, it's def. not for everyone 'cause everyone is different!
I'm so envious of you people that can take these drugs of brain fixing
Dude. I know you don't want to be at work. That's why they pay you to do it.
I'm all for a bit of camradre-building grousing, but at a certain point... I dunno... suck it the fuck up and do your job?
2 nights back to back late night urgent care visits, not for me. Still sucks.
@selira said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
We got notice at my apartment complex that they would be doing work on the railing in the staircase far from me, would take about a week. Cool, I guess, though I've had to deal with a lot of construction noise this year from the last place I lived, including roofers and so on so I'm pretty sick of it already.
A month later they finally finish.
Then today they start on the other staircase without any warning. The one literally against my wall.
Fuck. Everything.
They broke my wall. This is how ridiculously hard they were hammering on the other side.
***photo of a broken wall***
click to showWhat in the hell do I even do about this? What is reasonable? Now I assume they're going to have to redo my sheetrock and repaint and - ugh, it's just such a huge, unasked for hassle.
This is such BS.
If anyone has had to file a police report for harassment: what details do they generally need/ask for?
What about one filed out of state?
(Yes I'm being vague. I'm being vague because it's for RL stuff. I was having a hard time finding specifics online other than 'call and file a report.' But I want to make certain it's taken seriously when I do call so I want to have everything they might want on hand.)
It really depends on the state and how they deal with harassment charges. Sometimes they overlap into other charges such as stalking, for example. Some states just have general misdemeanor charges for harassment and others take them up to felony charges where they have these overlaps. So you will want to be sure of what exactly you are filing with the PD.When you go to make your filing with the PD, be as specific as possible to detail what is being done and how you are being harassed by this - be as factual as possible. If you have any records of the harassment, such as if they were done via text or email, providing copies of this information can only be more helpful. Showing a pattern is more useful than if it has just happened once or twice. If you want charges you file to not just be a report to the police and you want to push for action against the person, you may want to consult an attorney first.
@wretched said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Fuck Welbutrin (unless it works for you then yay but really you are a mutant because fuck that drug)
After years of work, my partner is now a physician's assistant. She gets to write prescriptions and everything.
Here's what I can piece together from her stories to me,
If you don't like what you're hearing from one doctor, find another. If you are going to a doctor in the city, try to get an appointment with one in the suburbs or in the countryside. See what they have to say. See what consistencies exist in the diagnoses and remedies.
Because there are a lot of drugs out there. A lot. My partner meets with a different drug rep every day. And she works 5 days a week.
If one thing doesn't work, try another. Try, and try again. If your doctor (or PA) insists on sticking with one thing that doesn't work, look for a doctor or PA that will try another tactic. Keep trying.
And when you've found something that works? Stick with it.
It's only a matter of time before marijuana is legal in this country, given the amount of American investment into Canada. One of my uncles held a patent on a THC inhaler, and just sold it to a major pharma company for ~$40 million.
It's coming.