Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Renting out half of my house, and why do so many people want you to instantly talk with them on the phone about it?! We're not even past anonymous Craigslist ads and you instantly give away your number? I get people want to know it isn't a scam, but aaah.
That said, if anyone wants a pet-friendly studio with kitchenette, full bath, and parking in Albany NY...
@fortydeuce said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Renting out half of my house, and why do so many people want you to instantly talk with them on the phone about it?! We're not even past anonymous Craigslist ads and you instantly give away your number? I get people want to know it isn't a scam, but aaah.
More realistically, do know what sort of relationship you'll have and what rights to stay during a dispute like rent raise or eviction. People can discover that the tenant can stay until the situation is resolved depending on the setup of the relationship.
Things I don't miss about college: Professors who make you listen to an hour long lecture for things that can be explained in a few paragraphs or pages in a book. But no, you have to watch an entire video lecture and take notes. Or you lose points.
@cobaltasaurus When I teach, I only lecture for 20 minutes tops. I read a study once -- don't ask me to find the link -- that that's the amount of time the human brain can actively listen, process, and figure out information in a single, attentive sitting.
After 20 minutes, the students do group work, or something else active, or they read a different article. Something calling on a different part of the brain than the auditory-listening channel.
As someone who is not an auditory learner at all, though, I probably would have done this anyway without the study, too, because I take information in a lot better through reading than through listening anyway.
@misadventure All good; I'm an attorney and I make them sign a contract, put short. But thanks!
@Tyche Here I was anticipating Single White Female.
@fortydeuce I give quite a lot of training courses and this is so important. I try to structure things into roughly 50 minute blocks with 20 minutes of 'lecture', a re-engagement such as a quiz or exercise, then another block. Ten minute breaks every hour to let people hydrate and stand up.
@fortydeuce said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
As someone who is not an auditory learner at all, though, I probably would have done this anyway without the study, too, because I take information in a lot better through reading than through listening anyway.
I had a professor once who told us, day 1 of class: 'If I put it on the white board, it'll be on a test.'
After that point, I largely tuned out lectures unless he was near that white board. As soon as he went over there and picked up a marker, I tuned back in, began taking notes, including drawing whatever he drew out...
I not only Aced that class, I got all the extra credit.
My notebook (because I had people in my dorm who took his classes, too) was also the dorm slut. Midterms and finals would come around and people would be asking to borrow it for their studies because... apparently I was the only person who picked up on that early on enough to have all the notes.
But seriously, that's something I wish more instructors would do. If you wanna lecture at length, sure, but make sure there's a way for people who aren't auditory learners to distill it. I'm a visual / hands-on, so that worked out amazingly well for me.
Dear UT Austin freshmen,
I get that somehow rentable, electric scooters are cool and awesome to you.
Stop riding them throughout traffic without paying a lick of attention to where you're going. I guaran-fucking-tee your semester is going to I end in statistics on how many of you got run over at this rate.
the bitch sick of dodging your dumb asses on her commute -
@auspice said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Stop riding them throughout traffic without paying a lick of attention to where you're going. I guaran-fucking-tee your semester is going to end in statistics on how many of you got run over at this rate.
I'm not seeing the problem here.
@ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@auspice said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Stop riding them throughout traffic without paying a lick of attention to where you're going. I guaran-fucking-tee your semester is going to end in statistics on how many of you got run over at this rate.
I'm not seeing the problem here.
I have a brand new car! I don't want to deal with that shit.
@auspice said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I have a brand new car! I don't want to deal with that shit.
You should've splurged for the cow catcher option.
When people hang back over a car length's distance from the car in front of them at a red light, especially when it is a left turning lane.
Fuck you.
I don't care if you can accelerate very fast, if I'm in front of you on the on ramp I get first right of merging. No amount of "watch out for motorcycles" bumper stickers will make it my responsibility if I run into them while they're doing this.
A motorcycle rider should be keenly aware of where you might go next, especially in merging situations. Your examples are idiots. -
@thenomain said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I don't care if you can accelerate very fast, if I'm in front of you on the on ramp I get first right of merging. No amount of "watch out for motorcycles" bumper stickers will make it my responsibility if I run into them while they're doing this.
Yeah, what @Misadventure said.
A motorcycle speeding past you as you merge/turn/etc is an idiot driver.
Those bumper stickers are for people unaware of the ones that are driving sanely / might just be in your blindspot ('cause I mean, cars have weird blindspots sometimes). -
There's a party somewhere in my neighbourhood. How do I know this, you ask? Because while I'm sitting in my bedroom with all the doors and windows closed, I can not only hear their music with incredible clarity, but I can hear the drunk party-goers walking behind my house (I back onto bushland) scaring my dogs.
I dropped my license on Monday. I knew, the moment I realized it was missing, that I had dropped it in the offices of the doctor I had been at (Or in the diabetic educator, after I was told No, you're a type 1 like you've been trying to tell us for NINE YEARS). I called and asked if they would look. Got a call back "Nope, not here!" I gave it another couple days, and then ordered a replacement. Today, got a call. "Oh hey, your license was in my office after all!" WTactualF, you asshats.
@sockmonkey said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
When people hang back over a car length's distance from the car in front of them at a red light, especially when it is a left turning lane.
Fuck you.One morning as I was leaving work, I had a person doing this. Since the lane next to me was empty, I pulled around them and essentially parallel parked my way into the spot. As soon as I started trying to get in, they tried to pull up to block me out. Like, wtf? Obviously you weren't interested in that space.
The next fucking prick that tells me to download electronic copies of documents off of NetDocuments is going to get my briefcase shoved into the smallest orifice they have.
Fucking use a program that lets you group-download files instead of making me download each fucking one individual, motherfucker. Oh, and those pop-up windows that keep spasmodically cropping up when you make one single fucking error, thereby requiring an entire browser shutdown? You can fucking bend over and let me stick my foot ankle-deep into your asshole, you coprophilic jackass.