One of my coworkers is gay. He's not openly-out-of-the-closet-gay, but it's pretty damn obvious.
He refers to his ex as his 'partner' (or did when they were still together). Now it's just 'ex' or 'ex-partner' but every so often it's been he/him, but it's just slipped in there very casual in a blink-and-you-miss-it sort of way. Even so, it's there if you actually, y'know, fucking pay attention and are a halfway decent listener.
Wednesday, he was talking about going to Thanksgiving with a friend (he has no family in town) and the boss immediately goes: 'Ohhh, is she preeeeeetty?' and the coworker quickly goes: 'No, but he does call himself Princess.'
Which might just be the most glaring hint I've ever heard.
And yet, just now, I overhear: 'So, did you reply to that email from your ex-girlfriend yet?
I wanna bash my forehead into the desk.
Like, since he's never come out to the office (and it's always just been sort of subtle), I don't feel it's my place to take anyone aside or say anything to HR, but it has started to kind of bother me and as such I can't even begin to imagine how it must be for him.