Jan 24, 2020, 4:56 PM

@Derp seconding this! Especially if it is a large company! Even for my peon job I have, it took 3 weeks after the interview to get the offer, because the hr/recruiter person was out on unexpected illness. (The decision for hire ahd all interviewing was local and they submitted it like within hours of my interview). I'd already started more interviews elsewhere and had written it off but the local manager called me at the 2 week mark and asked me to please hold on if I was still interested. He was breaking policy to do so but unbeknownst to me he was moving and on his way out so he didn't give a crap and wanted me to be there because I was a great fit for the branch, and he was right!)

Some companies are def better than others when it comes to hiring process! From interview to actual first day of work for me was 6 weeks because of more out of state back and forth background check and other internal stuff waiting on HR! So I wouldn't put yourself out after 1 week esp during flu season. Will keep my fingers crossed. πŸ™‚