@RightMeow Sounds like you are making good choices. You have to do what is right and if you are high risk, then you are high risk...
Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@RightMeow Sounds like you are making good choices. You have to do what is right and if you are high risk, then you are high risk...
Fuck you Cuomo. Why are New Yorkers panicking? Because you are. First you decree that all business must have 50% of its workers working from home or laid off. Overnight, you slash it to 25%. Yes, the number of cases jumped a lot. That's because we're now testing a lot. Did you think it would be different?
My investments went down by 20%. I was using the interest from it to augment my income since I don't earn enough to pay my bills (having just changed career tracks and starting with zero experience). I pulled out of the market completely since it's not done tanking and will have no interest to draw on (never touch the principal if you can help it which I now can't). And because of your executive order, I'm now working 2 days a week instead of 5 and being paid accordingly. What executive order are you issuing to help the people pay their bills?
Telling myself I'm better off than most Americans isn't helping. It just makes me feel bad for most Americans.
Thank the gods for Knob Creek bourbon (which I have been imbibing in mass quantities).
@TNP he's trying to step it up until people take it seriously. He could be trying to order everyone to shelter in place - and that would likely cause real panic and chaos.
...they're probably panicking because they have looked at Northern Italy for about five seconds and realize that NYC is a week away from choosing who lives and who dies due to healthcare overload.
Your investments will survive.
@TNP said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Why are New Yorkers panicking? Because you are.
Why would they not?
New York is one of the densest metropolitan areas in the world. It is about 2.5 times that of San Francisco and Los Angeles. Milan has a population density just above San Francisco. So if New Yorkers are paying attention to what's happening in Milan, they have every reason to panic.
If your chances of catching the disease increases by population density, then a New Yorker is more likely to catch it than someone living in Milan. That's something to consider. New Yorkers are younger than the Milanese, but that doesn't mean they can't catch it and pass it to someone they care about.
These are tough times.
@Rinel They won't since I now have no income. They weren't large to begin with. And a check for $1200? Not going to cut it. And lots of people are in worse condition.
I understand the reasoning. I do. I also don't hear anything significant that will help people who are now effectively unemployed for the foreseeable future.
If my information is correct, people out of work due to the epidemic are immediately eligible for unemployment, so there's that, and your investments should bounce back when this over. It's still going to be a rough couple of weeks though
@Darren yeah, if they meet the qualifications of their state. That may be an issue for many, many, many people.
@mietze A lot of states are seriously relaxing their qualifications, but that's still state by state, yeah.
My Apartments Laundry rooms are open again 'at our own risk', boom!
@Wretched said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
My Apartments Laundry rooms are open again 'at our own risk', boom!
I sent off my laundry tonever be seen againget washed by a service and returned Monday.
Can't really afford it but with no clean towels and almost no undies, it needed doing. -
Here in the glorious People's Republic of Maryland, you're automatically qualified, the only criteria is that you be out of work due to the epidemic. I just assumed that everyone was doing that.
This difference between states is a weakness in our system when it comes to country wide problems.
In TX, if you were laid off / had hours cut, you qualify.
If you quit, you MIGHT qualify.They're also waiving the 'must complete ## job searches per week' requirement.
Anyone in TX who needs help navigating the unemployment stuff, feel free to contact me.
Having to listen to people who watched the "Trials of Gabriel Fernandez" wail about how no one did anything. ....People that did nothing and/or were completely oblivious to ME coming to school with bruises, etc.
In Cuomo's favor, he's being blunt and realistic saying the number of American infected could be between 40% and 80% and stating he expects things to last months not weeks.
Tuesday, I'll apply for unemployment. Hopefully the website won't have crashed.
So my job is staying open, which, is good, all the hours I could ever want.
I am however, diabetic. My Mother in Law who lives with us is 70 in a couple weeks, and my wife is also immuno-compromised.
I go back to work tomorrow, but I think I'm gonna have to ask to be laid off, and get unemployment. I'm worried that staying will be a bad idea, but I'm terrified about losing a job i just got. Augh.
That's such a hard call.
I had thought about doing that after our scare, but then my company has made person to person contact very minimal now for the foreseeable future and actually stocked us with protective supplies except masks. Iirc I know that's not possible in your job though. Could you do off hours or is there any kind of very limited/no contact or maybe put you on other duties that customer forward, or will they put you on extended leave? I see some states are allowing unemployment to be collected if you have to take extended unpaid leave because of your status or risk to a close contact household member.
Presuming you have no issues personally, despite being diabetic, perhaps you could stay away from your wife and mother-in-law?
I know a few people sleeping on couches in their basement.