Good on you, goose. Very proud of you.
Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Good on you, goose.
Very proud of you.
Here's hoping the ugly fuckin' duckling turns out to be a swan
ETA: and thank all of you for being as supportive and wonderful as you are. It means so much to know people are just... okay with this sort of thing.
@Rinel Doesn't matter who or what you are. We'll lambast what you do and say, nothing more.
@Rinel The folks who truly love and care for you are gonna love you and care about you for you, whatever shape or label or anything else is attached.
Realistically... I think this community tends to be pretty dang open-minded because we're used to the idea of exploring personalities and experiences that aren't the expected defaults of our inborn baggage in the creative sense. I don't think people can do that for years and stay closed-minded for long without some serious cognitive dissonance. It's really hard to not grow some empathy. (Some people manage, but that's gotta take effort.)
(I am still all grins that there was a happy goose under 'proud' on a gif search, too, I mean seriously that's kismet.)
@Rinel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Here's hoping the ugly fuckin' duckling turns out to be a swan
Swanness is not just skin deep
ETA: and thank all of you for being as supportive and wonderful as you are. It means so much to know people are just... okay with this sort of thing.
I don't see people being okay with it. I see people celebrating your freedom
@Tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Rinel Doesn't matter who or what you are. We'll lambast what you do and say, nothing more.
Yeah, we're equal opportunity assholes around here.
Congrats!! I saw such a difference in Eldest's life when he took the step into full social/school transition. And if you do get pushback from a few, sometimes its good to know who you need to watch out for!
I’m not sure I understand what you revealed, but that’s all right. My understanding does not enhance or diminish your courage.
@Ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I’m not sure I understand what you revealed, but that’s all right. My understanding does not enhance or diminish your courage.
I'm not sure trans people understand being trans either so that's just fine
Getting very sick of personal drama on a RL scale with my gamer friends.
Out of some 30 friends I got some that are always fighting with someone and it's never their fault. They're never working on mending bridges and always making the fights public, yet also always claiming that they're justified in being entirely shitty to people. These spats expand to a new 2 or 3 people every month and I'm starting to have to consider voting them off of HANGOUT ISLAND because my 28 or SO other friends are sick of it, too.
It's stupid. Out of a bunch of fucking D&D gamers and board game nerds, people still buck for that "coolest person at the nerd table" status; like they're any better than anyone else playing CATAN or some shit.
I guess I should count my blessings, though. RL has better ways of handling this behavior than MU clearly does.
I always kind of expect people to be deep into the shit and fighting with each other this time of year in particular, just because it's the holiday season which can bring out a lot of horrible stuff for people. Still sucks that you are having to deal with with drama you dont wanna though.
@mietze Unfortunately it's been 3 years and I think this is spat #22.
Thanks for the warm fuzzies, tho. My SO and I are generally the "Heeeeey let's all have a bottle of wine and be friends!" people while we slowly watch what was once a huge group of friends halve, then halve, then halve, then halve, then have to consider "who hates who this week???" when putting together a party.
We are cursed, really. We will meet a married couple and think "Hey! A cool married couple to double date with!" and then 3 weeks later they file for divorce. We meet a group of 100+ people and within weeks the group splits in half with people choosing sides, and we're in the "Sniffle...why must we choose?" camp.
It's just a shame to watch so many good people fighting with each other (or, what I fear in this case) the realization that people you once thought were good people aren't so good anymore. It's sad to have to consider which is more noble? Ghosting people because you know that wanting to talk about their constant fighting with others will only result in joining the drama pool, or trying to be genuine and address the problem as a friend knowing full well it's about a 90% chance you'll just end up in the drama pool.
The more I think about this the more I realize these people are a problem and are not good people.
It really does not make you a bad person if you need to back away for a bit (though certainly they might think so!) I have a lot of people that I love/care for, that are good people at heart (I tend to think most people are) but who are currently or have engaged in behaviors either in my presence or directed towards me that meant I needed to step away or disengage or put up boundaries that meant they needed to go find other people to rely on. Nobody needs to be "bad" for that happening, just relationships and how much you can put into them change over time.
The worst part about being an adult is having to clean up after yourself when you make a mess while sick.
Day 6 of being on strike and the employers are just now starting to come to the table to talk. Well, that's £500 already down the drain from my paycheque. They'd better bloody listen now and do something about it.
Hallelujah is not a Christmas song, really, but fuck it--it's a good song, and I'll take the break from hearing Jingle Bell Rock as interpreted by every warm body that ever stumbled into a recording studio.
When you feel the need to replace the lyrics with some twee Nativity stuff I take issue.
@Caggles said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Day 6 of being on strike and the employers are just now starting to come to the table to talk. Well, that's £500 already down the drain from my paycheque. They'd better bloody listen now and do something about it.
That's the thing about a strike. Short of some kind of contractual obligation, most employers can afford to wait you out.
@insomniac7809 said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Hallelujah is not a Christmas song, really, but fuck it--it's a good song, and I'll take the break from hearing Jingle Bell Rock as interpreted by every warm body that ever stumbled into a recording studio.
When you feel the need to replace the lyrics with some twee Nativity stuff I take issue.
Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen) isn't a fucking Christmas song, nor is it even a song about Christianity. Just like Hozier's "Take Me to Church", God-squadders dont read or care about lyrics and just automatically assume everything with some kind of Abrahamic reference is their stuff.
I once had a room mate that heard me playing this so he poked his head into my room and said "I didn't know you were religious!".
brb going to play Ghost's He Is at Mass