Yeah, I'm a prescriber, and I'd echo what @ganymede said. There are as many opinions as doctors, and mostly many different types of drugs (apart from for some of the conditions I treat!). If your doctor is not listening, change anyhow. The most important person in the room is you, and if they can't explain their decisions then head out of there
Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Yeah, I'm a prescriber, and I'd echo what @ganymede said. There are as many opinions as doctors, and mostly many different types of drugs (apart from for some of the conditions I treat!). If your doctor is not listening, change anyhow. The most important person in the room is you, and if they can't explain their decisions then head out of there
Learn to say no. It's your health. You're your best advocate.
I'm going to prescribe you X.
No, it doesn't agree with me.
The initial side effects...
I've really had some good results with...
No.If you can document your reasons, such as you were on it from this date to this date and this dosage, etc even better. You'll be taken more seriously. Women especially.
@tnp I've had to go through several rounds of this to keep my Oxy prescription. I've tried just about every class of painkiller and respond terribly to almost all of them, including other types of opioids. And I'm allergic to pot, so I can't try that as an alternative.
OTOH I respond well to it and don't have a psychological dependence, and have gone cold turkey before. I just dread having to eventually find another doc.
I have a pain management appointment in just over a week - and not with who I asked to be referred to for it. I was hoping to get in with the pain management in my county that does do the medical mj, because I have found I can have pain relief and function.
The place they are sending me to, instead? They specialize in physical therapy - which has been supremely unhelpful in the past.
@jinshei said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Yeah, I'm a prescriber, and I'd echo what @ganymede said. There are as many opinions as doctors, and mostly many different types of drugs (apart from for some of the conditions I treat!). If your doctor is not listening, change anyhow. The most important person in the room is you, and if they can't explain their decisions then head out of there
Most doctors or PAs won't prescribe a good scotch or bourbon.
I use it liberally for most ailments. -
@tnp said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Learn to say no. It's your health. You're your best advocate.
I'm going to prescribe you X.
No, it doesn't agree with me.
The initial side effects...
I've really had some good results with...
No.If you can document your reasons, such as you were on it from this date to this date and this dosage, etc even better. You'll be taken more seriously. Women especially.
I've had to deal with this one many, many times before. It's fucking exhausting, but seriously, stand your ground. Absolutely stand your ground, because being horribly misdiagnosed with what mental illness I had and being put on the wrong meds almost killed me in my early twenties, and a quack psychiatrist about four years ago who wanted to "experiment" with fistfuls of the newest and greatest anxiety meds almost landed me in the hospital with the sort of blood sugar levels that can put a person in a coma, and had to figure out what all my symptoms meant myself.
I'm not saying don't take your meds. I'm not saying refuse to try something on the basis of "I don't want to". But you live in your body 24/7, and for most of the users on this forum, for about 30+ years. You do not have a medical degree or the knowledge that comes with it, but your doctor is trained in medicine -- not living inside your particular meat-suit, with all its oddities and quirks and bumps and feelings and reactions. It's okay to remind them of that, especially in a system where they spend maybe ten minutes looking at your records and stats and if you're lucky, fifteen to thirty minutes talking to you. If you can provide documented reasons as to why, even better, because doctors miss things and make mistakes and while a lot of them are loathe to admit that, absolutely none of them want a malpractice lawsuit on their hands.
@tyche said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Most doctors or PAs won't prescribe a good scotch or bourbon.
As a Juris Doctor, I can endorse this method of medication.
And I’m as healthy as a drunk horse.
@ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@tyche said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Most doctors or PAs won't prescribe a good scotch or bourbon.
As a Juris Doctor, I can endorse this method of medication.
And I’m as healthy as a drunk horse.
I have had surprisingly understanding treatment of my lupus in Vegas as soon as I got here (they even dim hospital room lights when I inform them of my photosensitivity; I go every few months for scans) whereas in southern california I really struggled to get any kind of treatment for years; to the point of a severe anaphylactic reaction from an extreme lupus flare being dismissed as a panic attack at first, and an endocrinologist dismissing my total hair loss and mouth ulcers as 'seasonal allergies'.
IE, keep advocating for yourself and consider moving, if you can.
Welp, our very good and useful doc is switching to a concierge practice come March, for $1800/person/year.
@surreality I pay $1200 a year for my doc to come to my home for about a half hour once a month, and get pretty good care-- blood pressure, heart rate, diabetes checkups, etc. An in-person visit is required anyway for my prescription opioids, and this is a lot less rough on my photosensitivity than paying the same to a pain clinic (which dropped me because I pay in cash anyway). But since I often need antibiotics/anti nausea/anti ulcerative colitis/anti migraine/etc etc (because my bodily functions are all mostly shit except for my heart, kidneys and liver) called in at random times, she'll just call that in to my pharmacy without a visit.
Bot's visits are covered by medicare, thank goodness.
I've just gotten used to throwing cash at doctor things, since I'm ineligible for insurance and government aid. (All of my prescriptions are cash only as well, but my pharmacy looks up coupons and deals for me, which helps.)
My peeve this last week and currently is the pretty bad lupus flare combined with us losing our aide. I'm awake roughly 6-8 hours a day and have to fit everything into that time, and then the rest I am a complete zombie who struggles to get out of bed. This means, of course, I no longer get to rp, just sleep, chores, eat, and sleep.
Fortunately it seems to be starting to ease up, I was able to actually get groceries today-- at 8 am, right in the middle of my brief waking cycle. But I commented to Bot that I feel a lot like I'm right back in chemo. One minute I'll be ok and the next my face, hands and feet are numb and I'm falling asleep regardless of what I'm doing at the time, and once I'm down I can't get back up for hours. z.z;;;
@surreality my old PCP did this took... why they are the old one. I already pay enough for health insurance, thanks.
I am at my desk.
I have a scarf on. I have a space heater. My blinds are closed against the window, so it's not sucking out the heat.
I am freezing my tail off, still. Omg. This building is SO freaking cold, and my coworkers are all 'I don't know what you mean, I'm comfortable' and 'you're crazy, I'm sweating buckets' and I'm over here with my teeth chattering and my fingers turning blue. No, it's not really THAT bad, but it sure SEEMS like it. FREAKING COLD AND I DO NOT LIKE IT.
I have joined four different tabletop games over the last five years, with long periods in between while I search for another, and I've left two because of bigots.
Doing inventory Tuesday night, quote Cobalt, repeatedly: "What the fuck is this shit?!"
"Why are we taking soda from two different cases?! I HAVE to COUNT this shit! Take from one!"
"I'm going to murder someone: Why is the fanta and pibb xtra mixed together?!"
"....why did we start taking from the bottom layer of ranch before the top layer was empty?"
"....why are there multiple stacks of 9 boxes, rather than 10? WHO CAN'T COUNT TO TEN?"
"...................................................what the fuck is this shit? Why is there a stack of pizza boxes shoved back into the slot the wrong way, blocking all other boxes from going in??? The large boxes are put in right! why not the mediums?!"
"...oh, look, the drink cooler. Aaah, yes, we have two sections of lemonade. Why? I don't know, I give up."
So far my time training to be an assist manager appears to be summed up with two quotes:
"I'm very sorry about that, I'm voiding your payment right now, and we'll get that order out to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience."
"Who did this?!"
Me: I want this other shift when it opens up. I've been here a while and I have seniority, not to mention I have to perform many of this shift's tasks on my shift due to people being hired not knowing how to do it.
Supervisor: Sure! I'll let you know when it opens.
Spot opens. I am told "Well, you're doing such a good job on your shift that we can't move you. Ever. This is your life now. But here's a 25 cent raise over the rate increase everyone is getting as compensation."
Me: ...
I have sympathies for anyone stuck doing inventory in any kind of retail environment. I had to do that shit working at Radioshack and it was never a pleasant experience and corporate often did all they could to make it a horrifying painful night.I would have rather swallowed razorblades.
@jaded said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I have sympathies for anyone stuck doing inventory in any kind of retail environment. I had to do that shit working at Radioshack and it was never a pleasant experience and corporate often did all they could to make it a horrifying painful night.I would have rather swallowed razorblades.
It's foooood service.
So inventory is supposed to be done NIGHTLY. I typically do it on Tuesdays and the nights I close (Saturdays), unless something extraordinary happens (like we get so badly fucked that we canceled 50-100 delivery orders and close the store early in defeat) and just say fuck it and go home without doing inventory.
Restaurants that give tiny, tiny servings.
Today was actually a pretty good day, I took it off work because I was interviewing for another job, was up bright and early, petted the excited zooming kittens then read the latest John Scalzi book for a few hours on the train. I got to the interview in good time, it went really well, then I decided to grab lunch in a decent looking place before heading home.
If I order pulled pork and fries for (translates) $25 I want more than a tiny bun thing of pork and like, fifteen fries. It is not as if I was in London, I was in a small city in the north where things are normally super cheap.
@jaded said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I have sympathies for anyone stuck doing inventory in any kind of retail environment. I had to do that shit working at Radioshack and it was never a pleasant experience and corporate often did all they could to make it a horrifying painful night.I would have rather swallowed razorblades.
I agree.
I've been dealing with an employee theft situation all this week at work, which required me to inventory the entire store alone and by hand. It was not fun.