My job is all email tickets. I've been solely on 'cancellations and refunds' for the product (a streaming service). The rules are: work tickets oldest to newest. Period. Don't cherry pick. Don't skip a ticket that a coworker has worked previously (they might not be working that day, they might be on a special project, etc etc).
Continually, my coworkers have been cherry picking. Even more worryingly, they have been skipping tickets assigned to me. Just the ones assigned to me. I brought this up to my PM* today. I know I'm a team lead, but they still need to be working those tickets.
He gets back to me: 'so they said they've been skipping them because you're very, very good and you have a better rapport with the users than they do.'
So we had to have a chat with the team of hey, that's flattering guys, but
a) I want you guys to have a good rapport, too!
b) I have days off and we really, really don't want customers to ever wait close to 72 hours for a response.
This has also been why my # of tickets handled has been shit because they were basically agreeing with each other 'Auspice will be good at handling this one!' and skipping to 'easier to handle' tickets and leaving all the really angry or 'might possibly be angry' users for me.
So while I'm flattered, I'm also not happy with my team. 
*I brought it up to the PM because I've tried bringing it up to the team myself previously and right now, the bulk of them are in Sacramento while I'm in Austin and 'discussing' things with people via group Skype chat lacks the same impact as his being able to take them aside directly in the Sacramento office.