Finding the needle I dropped last week. Shit.
Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Finding the needle I dropped last week. Shit.
@greenflashlight said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Finding the needle I dropped last week. Shit.
People want awesome animation, deep stories, and more naked Henry Cavill.
@greenflashlight said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Finding the needle I dropped last week. Shit.
Having flashbacks of THAT scene in A Quiet Place. Owowowowow
- topic:timeago_later,12 days
My phone just went off to alert me to a breaking news story that a new archaeological dig is challenging the Bible's historical accuracy.
Everyone involved in writing that headline and bringing it to my attention makes me feel tired.
Not for the first time.
<notices the toothpaste tube is pretty thin>
<buys a new one, puts it next to the current one until that runs out>
... Three months later...
<the current tube still looks pretty thin... but lots of paste comes out when I squeeze anyway>
What the actual fuck, does it regenerate in there?!
@arkandel Its because there's air in the tube when you first buy it. The back 1/4 of the tube is all air. As you push forward, the air compresses, making it SEEM like there's not much in there... but the paste is hiding in the edge and up near the nozzle.
Ceramic mugs made to look like enameled steel mugs. Especially if there's a fake chip in the 'enamel.'
So ya boy is paying for his depressive episodes of bygone eras. Had four teeth yanked out of my head today, with more to be done in the coming weeks and months.
Even when you're super depressed and can't function, folks, look after your teeth. Trust me.
@ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I feel that.
Hope you get better soon.
Surprisingly I'm managing quite well, some mild discomfort managed by ibuprofen. But having a small team of dentists (mostly students, because I'm that nice) say "okay, this one's turned surgical, we need the sterilisation team" mid-extraction is haunting.
@tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Surprisingly I'm managing quite well, some mild discomfort managed by ibuprofen. But having a small team of dentists (mostly students, because I'm that nice) say "okay, this one's turned surgical, we need the sterilisation team" mid-extraction is haunting.
This is why I always request general anesthesia, if it is permitted.
@ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Surprisingly I'm managing quite well, some mild discomfort managed by ibuprofen. But having a small team of dentists (mostly students, because I'm that nice) say "okay, this one's turned surgical, we need the sterilisation team" mid-extraction is haunting.
This is why I always request general anesthesia, if it is permitted.
Alas, I was working with a dental school, as a subject for their students. So the registrar (I think equivalent to a US 'Attending') wanted me awake to check for reactions to potential nerve damage and the like.
Apparently, I was the funniest patient they've had, with such wit as: "It's okay, we're taking a break so you can relax." I am relaxed, you guys are doing all the work and I'm just laying here. And "For a patient this size and build we'd need five cartridges for the local..." Is she calling me fat?
I kind of wonder if I will ever not feel existentially exhausted and on empty ever again. Just physically and emotionally so tired.
Also thus upper respiratory bug that isn't covid or flu but also pack a huge punch to the face really sucks. First day feeling somewhat human since Saturday and I'm kinda ready to just go back to sleep until next week after just one day back at work.
The grocery store was out of the cooked, peeled, de-veined shrimp I usually get for jambalaya, so I had to go with a cheaper brand. Turns out it's cheaper because there's an implied asterisk after the word "de-veined."
@greenflashlight BOOOOO on veined shrimp.
Piece of shit internet people who consider themselves hilarious (yet noble, caring safe space) people to bag on someone for having a cause, but never stop to consider the reason for the cause could be related to personal trauma.
Those people can go fuck themselves.
@ghost said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Piece of shit internet people who consider themselves hilarious (yet noble, caring safe space) people to bag on someone for having a cause, but never stop to consider the reason for the cause could be related to personal trauma.
Those people can go fuck themselves.
There is every chance they considered that and concluded that your trauma does not excuse you opening old traumas for anyone else. They might have even concluded that your trauma leading you to abandon empathy for others who share that trauma makes your decision worse rather than better, even if it is understandable that your pain would draw your focus inward.
I get that you are trying to stop people from being hurt, but I question the efficacy of trying to do that by spreading hurt to a tiny community of niche hobbyists who agree with you about the problem but disagree about your solution. This is not how you build solidarity with potential allies.