@silverfox That is the face of a cat who is about to tell you all about the Grand Mouse Conspiracy. XD
Awwwwwww! Looks like she loves having big brothers!
The picture isn't showing and I'm not okay with this
Little Sugar had her Spay on Friday and they had to shave her belly for it. Last night it got really cold and we didn't turn on the heater when we usually did. This resulted in her being a shivering ball of freezing kittenhood. Wouldn't eat breakfast and just wanted to sit on my warm knee and shiver not eating. Gave her some warm pets and we turned on the heater but then I had to leave for work.
Fast forward to about eleven when husband goes in to do lunch. Sugar has crammed herself into a tiny space for warmth and again has zero interest in dinner. Husband calls worried, so we decide to have her go into his office and put a heating pad under a blanket for her.
30 minutes later this is what he texts me.
I want the ability to be that blissfully happy.
(And she ate once she warmed up.)
@silverfox I do that trick for my old man with the bad paw. It hurts him on cold days, so I put a heating pad under one of his blankets and maaaaaaaan, I am the DEVIL if I try to move him from it!
I thought you were just supposed to leave heating pads on under blankets for the little monsters?
Only when they're really tiny. At about four weeks they start to regulate their own body temperature and don't usually need the external heat any more. These guys are 9-10 weeks old. It was just an exceptionally cold night and they were missing their tummy fur from spay.
@silverfox my kittens will never be over 4 weeks old! Never!
The boys seem to like heating pads, the girl does not. The boys also like being Sith kitties under a blanket, and the girl does not.
how dare you make these statements and not provide evidence to back them up in the form of cute pictures. I DEMAND CUTE.
@silverfox maybe this will meet your needs.
This is Darth Cinna.
(I hung a shirt over the back of a chair, he pulled it down and crawled inside) -
The dog startled himself awake with one of his own farts.
This will never stop being funny.
@aria One of my favorite Dog Things.
Roo, my youngest cat, the one who ran from everything and spent most of his days in one closet or other, died today.
He was just four years old. Quite healthy overall. Two days ago he seemed just a bit distressed, yesterday he was just sitting there staring up at me so I got concerned and took him to the vet.
Despite treatment and being on fluids his liver was doing quite badly and his vitals were still spiking the wrong way. The vet found blood in his urine and believed it was an aggressive cancer. He recommended euthanasia since Roo was in distress, which is what we did.
And just like that my four-year old cat is gone. When my oldest dog, Daphne, had to be put to sleep earlier in the year it was at least expected - she was quite up there in years. But Roo was so young.
@arkandel You have my condolences. It's never easy.
I still miss a certain orange tabby who, while old himself when he passed on, left quite an impact in my life.
Roo, my youngest cat, the one who ran from everything and spent most of his days in one closet or other, died today.
He was just four years old. Quite healthy overall. Two days ago he seemed just a bit distressed, yesterday he was just sitting there staring up at me so I got concerned and took him to the vet.
Despite treatment and being on fluids his liver was doing quite badly and his vitals were still spiking the wrong way. The vet found blood in his urine and believed it was an aggressive cancer. He recommended euthanasia since Roo was in distress, which is what we did.
And just like that my four-year old cat is gone. When my oldest dog, Daphne, had to be put to sleep earlier in the year it was at least expected - she was quite up there in years. But Roo was so young.
We had a German Shepherd at my grandma's house. Found a sore on his paw one day, so we took him to the vet. NBD. Vet said it was cancer. Removed half the paw.
A week later his nose started bleeding, and he was gone in a few minutes.
Fuck cancer.
I'm sorry for your loss. Those are never easy, especially when unexpected.
@arkandel Thank you for being there for your baby. His life was better because of you.
Cat and kitten finally getting along.
I admit, I was worried for a little bit. -
@arkandel It's coming up on a year that I had to say goodbye to my Old Man. He was old, though I never knew how truly old, his ranges between 17 and 20 since I found him as a stray in 2005. So his passing, while not surprising, gutted me regardless. With that said, I feel like it's even worse when it's a younger pet that you don't expect to develop something like that.
Seizures took him one night, December 3rd. I remember sitting in my car with my fiancé for hours, waiting to hear from the vets in ER. I thought he'd pull through.
It still makes my chest tight thinking about that night. I don't think I had loved something, animal or human, quite like I did for him. Because I'm fairly sure that cat saved me from doing things I'd otherwise regret.
He's the reason I get all messed up when I hear Somewhere Over the Rainbow. But I'm glad you were there with him, in the end. I don't know if Old Man knew I was there in his last moments, but no pet should leave this world alone with someone they don't know.