@mr-johnson said in A New Star Wars game? (Legends of The Old Republic (Name pending)):
@tempest said in A New Star Wars game? (Legends of The Old Republic (Name pending)):
@haven said in A New Star Wars game? (Legends of The Old Republic (Name pending)):
There is also nothing saying that a baseline of TOR with a focus on the Mandalorians could not involve very original plots and brand new heroes/villains.
That's why we RP, right? To create stuff?
No. Wrong.
We RP to TS.
Hell yeah Tempest, THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. As a 5 foot tall 18 yearold jedi master with one blue eye and one green eye who has bright pink hair and a lightsabre that changes color with her mood? I can completely get behind you on that!
That's hawt.
Just don't change your hair color, or I'll fucking cut your head off.