A (Mildly Complete) List of Current Games
WoD Games (nWod unless otherwise noted)
San Francisco: Paris of the West -- sfmux.com:1337 // http://www.sfmux.com/index.php/Main_Page
Reno -- reno.kydance.net:2018 // http: http://reno.kydance.net/index.php/Main_Page
Fallcoast -- fallcoast.net 2009 // http://fallcoast.net/wiki/Main_Page
Fate's Harvest -- fatesharvest.com:6464 // http://fatesharvest.com/w/Main_Page
Garou MUSH -- // garoumush.org (oWoD)
Temptest -- game.tempestmux.com 5555 // website unknown (oWoD)
Sheltering Sky: Colorado by Night -- mush.shelteringcolorado.com 2601 (oWoD)
City of Hope MUSH -- cityofhopemush.net port 8888 // http://coh.spork.com/index.php?title=Main_Page
From the Ashes: Detroit by Night -- fta.darcness.net 2860 (v20/w20/m20)
Let Freedom Ring -- - portent.genesismuds.com 8020 // http://letfreedomring.wikidot.com/ (20th Anniv Ed)
Dark Communion -- Dark Communion (Dark Ages)
Descent -- thedescentmux.com:2860 // thedescentmux.comAnime
MahouMUSH -- MahouMUSH.com 7342 // http://www.mahoumush.comHorror/Urban Fantasy/Urban Horror/Sci-Fi (Non IP)
Multiverse Crisis -- multiversemush.com 5001 // http://multiversemush.com/mw/index.php?title=Main_Page (mixed genres)
Dream Chasers MUSH -- dreamchasers.space 4767 (mixed genres)
Mythara: At the Crossroads -- mythara.com 9900
Cybersphere -- cs.netsville.com 7777
Sindome -- moo.sindome.org 5555
HellMOO -- hellmoo.org 7777 // http://hellmoo.org/
Star Conquest -- squidsoft.net 7777
Lost Dominion: lostdominion.org:600 // https://lostdominion.org (Rifts Based Setting)
Neon Moo -- neon-moo.space, port 7777 // https://neon-moo.space/?date=2018-06-22IPs (Television, Movies, Comics, Etc.)
Blood of Dragons -- bod.westeros.org: 3000 // http://www.westeros.org/BoD/ (based on Game of Thrones/Song of Ice and Fire series)
Marsilikos - Under the Wings of Angels -- marsilikos.silvertree.org, port 1310 // http://marsilikos.wikidot.com (Kushiel's Legacy book series)
Welcome to Lovecraft -- LovecraftMa.com: 1880 // http://lovecraftma.com/index.php/Main_Page (inspired by the Locke and Key comic series)
Road to Amber -- roadtoamber.com 6250 // http://roadtoamber.com/ (Amber book series)
Babylon 5: The Last Best Hope -- babylon.monolithwebsystems.com 2259 // website unknown (Babylon 5 series)
Shadowrun: Denver -- aelfhame.net 1999 // http://denver.wikidot.com/ (Shadowrun)
United Heroes Mush -- unitedheroesmush.com 1999 // https://www.unitedheroesmush.com/index.php?title=Main_Page (Marvel Universe)
Star Trek: Among The Stars -- ats.trekmush.org 1701 // http://www.trekmush.org/index.php/Main_Page (Star Trek)
Equestrian Dawn -- mush.equestriandawn.com 8789 (MLP)
Star Wars: Rebirth Mush -- game.starwarsrebirth.com 9999 (Star Wars)
Tenebrae - the Emblem of Ea -- tenebraemush.net 4001 ((Pathfinder/D&D))
Pernworld -- paper.mudmagic.com 2211 (Pern series)
CoMuX: NuGenesis -- nugenesismux.com 6006 (Marvel Universe)
Inheritance Gambit: inheritancegambit.com:2099 // https://inheritancegambit.com (Marvel Universe)
Super Robot Wars -- srwmush.com 2015 // https://www.srwmush.com/index.php?title=Main_Page (Video Game)
Tenebrous Isles - tenebrousisles.com port 9001 // Website: http://www.tenebrousisles.com/wiki/Main_Page (Dresden Files)
Mutant Genesis MUX: mutantgenesismux.com:2017 // mutantgenesismux.com (Marvel Universe, mutant-focused)
Gods and Monsters MUX: mutantgenesismux.com:2017 // godsandmonstersmux.com (DC Universe, Justice League focused)Fantasy/Medieval Settings (Non IP)
Arx -- play.arxmush.org port 3000 // Website: play.arxmush.org
Valorous Dominion -- // http://valorous.wikidot.com
The Enternal Crusade - mushhaven.com port 1220 Website: eternalcrusade.wikidot.comOther
Match of the Millenium -- motm.kicks-ass.net port 2002 // http://motm.kicks-ass.net/ (Arena/Fight Tournament Theme)
License to Kill -- portent.genesismuds.com:2077 (Espionage/Spy Themes)Adult Themes
NaughtyMuffin MUSH -- muffinmush.club 2469
Penultimate Destination -- penultimatemush.com 9500
Shoujo-Ai MUSH -- yuriba.com 4201
Shangrila MUSH -- shangrilamux.com 9999
Terminus Faire -- terminus.mushpark.com 9999Some Guidelines:
Completeness: This is by no means an exhaustive list, if I've overlooked a game it wasn't intentional and please reach out so I can update.
Game Quality/Content: I cannot vouch for any of these games in terms of content, staff quality, activity levels, plot quality, player behavior, etc. Good luck and put on your helmet.
Websites: Some were not available in all cases or I couldn't find them, if I missed yours my apologies and let me know so I can correct.
Notes: I may have gotten some genre notes wrong or connection addresses wrong - please reach out in PM or correct on this thread
Sources: I pulled from Mud Connector, the MSB threads, and Mud Stats - 2 of the 3 of these sources are not always reliable in terms of refresh data but I did attempt to connect to most of these places to verify that they are up and there are people logged in and active -- i.e. no 3 people connected and idle for 6 days, etc.
Cadence: I plan to periodically update this list with new games/removing closed games as time allows.
I kind of feel that the WoD should also include breakdown of 1e or GMC for nWoD.
City of Hope is oWoD (Revised).
Let Freedom Ring is a 20th game of everything - portent.genesismuds.com 8020 / http://letfreedomring.wikidot.com/
Dark Communion is a Dark Ages Vampire game set in Iberia - dc.muxnexus.com 5555
Exalted 3e is a thing, and about to reboot due to the Dragon Blooded book having just finished it's kickstarter! - phantasmgames.org 2526
I did not do the breakdown because honestly, I don't have a lot of time to tease out what each game's level of mechanic mix and match is? Some games are pretty explicit others are not about what they do and don't except and how much they pull from GMC, 1e and 2e and so on.
It took me a bit to just get this going because I wanted to and said I would.
You are the wind beneath my MUSHing wings. Thanks for putting this together.
Heya @GangOfDolls,
Other / PostApoc:
Lost Dominion: lostdominion.org:600 // https://lostdominion.org (Rifts Based Setting)Comics:
Inheritance Gambit: inheritancegambit.com:2099 // https://inheritancegambit.com (Marvel Universe)Not big games but we're always open to new / returning players
Super Robot Wars should be moved to IP; it's based on the long-running series of video games by the same name.
Descent is 2e nwod post-apoc
A couple of FATE based games:
Tenebrous Isles - tenebrousisles.com port 9001 // Website: http://www.tenebrousisles.com/wiki/Main_Page (Dresden Files)Fantasy/Medieval
The Enternal Crusade - mushhaven.com port 1220 Website: eternalcrusade.wikidot.com -
Mutant Genesis MUX: mutantgenesismux.com:2017 // mutantgenesismux.com (Marvel Universe, mutant-focused)
Gods and Monsters MUX: mutantgenesismux.com:2017 // godsandmonstersmux.com (DC Universe, Justice League focused)
We have recently gone through an overall in policy and philosophy. DC-side the Justice League has just been formed after the Alien Invasion arc. Marvel side is going to be getting a lot of focus now.
Looking for Staff, especially staff that could feasibly take care of the DC-side of the game!
Good thread!
Updated with all corrections and additional games noted from posts above this one in the thread
Super-Hero genre: Legion World
legionworld.silvertree.org port 3020
http://lw-mush.wikidot.comWe are still patiently hammering away at it.
quiet whisper Long live the Legion... -
@Bobotron If its fans can't kill it, nothing can.
Champions MUSH (I guess it's it's own IP now that it has an MMO but set in it's own version of it?) Super-Hero/Comic Books Championsmush.com Port 6363
This post is deleted! -
NeonMOO is relatively new, in the same vein as Sindome and Cybersphere. neon-moo.space, port 7777
https://neon-moo.space/?date=2018-06-22 -
Adding my own game here (also listed on tmc and mudstats.comFantasy/Medieval Settings:
Marsilikos MUSH -- marsilikos.silvertree.org, port 1310 Website: http://marsilikos.wikidot.com (Kushiel theme) -
Given that Multiverse Crisis is listed under non-IP: do you consider games that mix characters and themes from multiple properties to then not be IP-based? There are a few on the list(Dream Chasers, Mythara, and Match of the Millennium) that are based primarily on a mix of content from various media(video game RPGs/anime; urban fantasy TV/books; video fighting games, respectively), but I'm not sure if their being listed the way they are is intentional or not.
Also, CoMUX and United Heroes are a bit broader than the Marvel Universe: both are built around combining content from Marvel, DC, and other comic book publishers into a roughly cohesive whole, versus games like Mutant Genesis and Gods and Monsters, which are entirely focused on singular comic book universes.
Thank you for the hard work in organizing this list! Having a collection of functional games is a great resource.
@phase-face Would those be easier to group under some heading like 'media'? At least for the 'anything from video games or comics or anime or or or or or' types. (Genuinely curious, not a rhetorical or snarky question.)
@surreality What I would recommend is to split games as Tabletop, Media, Original and Adult, then in each category have subcategories. Tabletop splits neatly between things like WoD, FATE, Exalted, DnD and so on, Media can be split by Anime, TV&Movies&Books, Comics, Crossover and Other, Original can split by genre so say Fantasy, Horror, etc. and Adult probably doesn't need subcategories.
Mahou MUSH, MultiVerse Crisis, Dream Chasers, Match of the Millenium etc. fit better under a Crossover header than anything else so that solves that problem neatly.