I probably fall into that category too. I have slept with women, made out with women, had fleeting crushes on women, but what really curls my toes is guys.
I have also played a few male characters but generally only in forum settings, with only a couple of attempts on MUSHes. I don't click with them as well, as characters, and that's something I've always lamented. I would love to be able to play a male character whose story gets me as excited as my ladies' stories do. No luck yet, but maybe one day. If and when it happens, I'm not sure what direction his sexuality will go in but I know myself well enough to guess it won't be gay. I am gun shy about creating a gay male after seeing the horrorfest of fetishized female-played gay men back in the 90s. It was bad, y'all. So very, very bad.
Sexuality is generally dictated by my character's story but upon reflection, I realize I haven't had a successful gay love story in the long term. The closest was my Mekhet elder, with her ghoul and her childe. Caroline's best loved were all women, but she was more sensual than sexual and I would not call what she felt love (vampire elders are great). Others have run the gamut but I admit my characters often end up with men.
I currently play one straight girl, one bisexual woman, and one heterosexual/demiromantic chick. All three are in relationships with dudes. I did recently create a woman who has an ex-wife, and a daughter, but I haven't found the spark for her story yet.