Oh hey look, it's this meme. Again.
The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
@Kanye-Qwest said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
@Ifrit said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
Sooo does anyone else have the anti-routine problem? I was always told if you did things for more than 2 weeks they become a routine. For me I can maintain a new routine perfectly for 2 weeks and then I completely lose track of it and can't pick it up again.
my psychiatrist told me very quickly in my time with her that the 2 week/30 day things are myths. Habits actually take between 60-90 days to solidly form, for most people
This is truth. Also, it gets HARDER at the 2-3 week mark; that's where a lot of people drop out of maintenance.
It's important to remember that the human brain is a lazy asshole. It doesn't like to learn new routines, and it will fight back against them until the 'new' routine becomes the 'old' routine. So compliance will be very easy at first, because you're getting that dopamine hit from 'yay, I did a thing! I am Changing My Life!' but when that wears off, your brain wants you to go back to what it sees as normal, so it'll actively fight you on it, with lower rewards and negative thoughts. Then, eventually (after two or three months), it'll accept the new status quo.
I live this cycle far, far too often.
@Wretched said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
This but with my fucking task stack.
'I need to scoop the litter box, take out the trash bag, put a new trash bag in, wash my hands...'
while scooping: 'I need to take out the trash, put a new bag in, wash my hands...'
And at some point, I end up needing to throw something away and I'm standing over the trash can sitting in the center of my kitchen, just waiting for the bag I never put in it and I'm like??? how
@Wretched said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
I know this one is mostly a wild 'theory' but its still one of my favorites. We are hunters.
Yeah I like it too. It's one of those things where I acknowledge there's zero scientific basis for it whatsoever, but it just makes so much sense.
I think it ignores the vast lore and timing of hunting animals, as well as the dominate source of food being gathering from known plants in predictable locations.
I am a pill like that.
@Misadventure Not necessarily. I have vast pools of knowledge based on my hyper fixations and interests. I will learn everything about a topic I like while being utterly unable to absorb things that are 'boring' no matter how hard i try. i respond in a crisis a ton better than most people I know, and i can wait for something for hours while keeping my mind busy with minutia when i'm in 'the zone'.
@Wretched I can't tell if that's petty but I really like it.
I honestly thought I was the only one who did this. T_T -
@GreenFlashlight We are neuroatypical, what is petty to them is therapy for me.
I have had a bunch of people recommend various ASMR videos and such... now I'm wondering after hours down the rabbit hole, if my ADD nature is keeping me from finding that tingling/relaxed thing my friends tell me about.
@Macha said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
I have had a bunch of people recommend various ASMR videos and such... now I'm wondering after hours down the rabbit hole, if my ADD nature is keeping me from finding that tingling/relaxed thing my friends tell me about.
ASMR works for some but not others. I don't think it's ADHD related because I know people with ADHD (me) who benefit from it and I know people without ADHD who just can't find it.
Some people also respond to certain sounds more than others. A lot of the common 'triggers' don't do it for me. I find the 'role play' ones to be the most relaxing. I suggest GibiASMR for those. She's cute and has a wonderful voice.
Try this video: https://youtu.be/K3_2kvO2uKc (not Gibi but an ASMR that a lot of people seem to respond to)