@Alamias Are you taking bets on how many people are going to quit within the next six months?? You should be, and letting your DH know that this is how you're making up for any merit increase you might not receive.
The Work Thread
@Alamias Are you taking bets on how many people are going to quit within the next six months?? You should be, and letting your DH know that this is how you're making up for any merit increase you might not receive.
@Alamias I hope they aren't being rated on their math skills for their potential raise.
@WildBaboons Yeah, yeah. I missed 10 percent there. Congratulations, you caught me posting while flustered and not double-checking the math. Bravo.
@Aria Or I have no doubts. I'm close to starting looking at finding a new job myself. I just hate the process of hunting.
I fucking hate PIPs.
But that might be because this time last year was the first time I was ever put on one with a really vague thing to improve and a boss who gave me zero input/guidance on how he expected me to improve it and it led to getting fired, so.
fuck PIPs.
So I applies for a Customer Service position. Tell them I need 13 an hour rock bottom to start. "Sure, okay."
I get there - it's a Marketing position. Cold Calling - and I get told I only get 13 dollars an hour AFTER I generate 40k in leads.
Yeaaaaaah no.
Today we had a customer call 911 because she was super scared of another customer who was screaming and yelling and trying to get in the personal space of me and the banker. I totally understand why she did, this guy while not making direct threats had the energy of a massive road rager. He stormed out before the cops got there, almost knocking her down. Then we spent the next little while consoling her because she was worried about causing us headache/trouble.
What was this guy's problem? He "hadn't received" his paper statement. when our system showed that was mailed, he said he doesn't check that PO box often because it's inconvenient, and continued to scream and carry on about how the bank sucks. Not an account error, or anything like that. For that, this guy leaned all the way into my teller station, pouding his fist on MY side of the station, screaming so loud air from his mouth was making my hair move.
@mietze ......I am super glad someone called the cops, because JFC.
I know it's my job to care. I know this. I do. However, when I'm understaffed, being pulled in five directions, holding 4 interviews (PS. 2 no called/no showed), writing schedules, listening to people complain because they can't have a day they put in for yesterday for next week, having management say its great that I hit those goals - let's add three more unattainable ones for shits and giggles AND let's try to keep it to 40 hours a week (nevermind I haven't done that since oh.. April), a customer is pretty sure that the person who's waiting on the person in front of her is ignoring her on purpose because she's white (they are too btw), oh and could I maybe go to another department and deal with their customer complaints because I'm 'so good at it' ---- Maybe, just maybe, no. No I don't want to hear about you ranting for 45 fucking minutes that someone was mean to you because you think you are too above doing your job.
There is not enough alcohol in my house for this.
Ps. Thank you for reading MY rant.
@Aria I am used to getting screamed at (it happens like...at least once every few weeks). Often when people actually come in they are in highly stressful situations, so it's understandable and not personal--and usually by the time I am done processing their transactions/getting things fixed either at my station or by calling on their behalf, ect. they've calmed down. Some even apologize. But this guy, with each problem I solved, and then each problem the banker solved, just kept getting louder and more trying to almost physically intimidate us. I was actually pretty close to pushing the panic button but then he abruptly took off (I bet he heard the 911 call, I didn't realize that our other customer had called until he was out the door). I am not a super woo woo person, despite being an LMT, but this guy had seriously scary-aggressive vibes. It really did remind me of someone in the middle of serious, serious road rage. But the really demeaning way he spoke to everyone even before the screaming started--you know those people who really are horrible to every server in a restaurant/cashier or clerk in a store? That was him except for like already 10X worse, and it's been a long time since I've had someone physically puffing up and trying to invade space. I'm still kind of freaked out about it!
Oh well, he has a note in our system now. Hopefully if he ever does that again regardless of what branch, he'll get his accounts closed and sent on his merry way. Maybe then he'll check his mail for his cashiers check.
@mietze I'm sorry you had to deal with this. This makes my scaremongering boss at the job issues pale in comparison. I don't' think I could do what you do and stay sane without clocking someone, thus ending that career.
@Goblin Replying to myself cause... I didn't get THAT job, but I got another! Starting on december 2nd. Two months unemployed, I got savings to see me through and it now just feels like a nice long vacation. The new job got some wonky work hours, but it's closer and it seems quite nice.
Yay!!! Congratulations! I am so happy for you.
One of my classroom aides, to me, out of the blue: "At least they're biodegradable."
Me: "...the children?"
Multiple interviews in the last week, one rejection and two more crop up where it was (application). Just tired. I just want a job I can work that I can squeak by on what it pays.
Videos shown to different classes today:
Middle Egyptian: Strongbad's "Trogdor" and "Everybody to the Limit" because of the Egyptian expression r Dr.f (literally "to the limit")
Mythology: "Wait for Me" from Hadestown (Tony Award performance)
This is why I will never be taken seriously in academia. Well, that and my ongoing feud with Salima Ikram about rats.
@tek said in The Work Thread:
This is why I will never be taken seriously in academia.
Who the fuck wants to be taken seriously in academia? We'd need way more tweed.
@Tinuviel Nothing wrong with tweed
@JinShei Except when it rains. Assuming it's quality tweed.