@Aria said in The Work Thread:
I wish managers would accept honest feedback! Someone questioning an idea or even saying outright "I'm not sure this is going to work and here's why" is not the same as "You're a turd and also bad at your job and PS, you should be embarrassed in front of all of our colleagues." Unless they fall into the category of sleazy office politics asshole, they're honestly probably trying to help you make the underlying thing you're trying to achieve work.
Yeah. The idea is dumb, and the effort being put into it would be better spent digging holes and then filling them back in--at least that would be pointless, rather than counterproductive. But if management is married to it and all I'd get for pointing this out is looking like a malcontent troublemaker, well, fuck that; I'll keep my head down and hope someone above me suffers an unexpected attack of good sense.
I mean, I get paid either way.