Apr 23, 2018, 7:15 PM

@auspice said in Good TV:

@coin said in Good TV:

@derp said in Good TV:

@aria said in Good TV:

I'm two episodes into "Troy: Fall of City" and I can't decide whether it's objectively just not very good or if my recurring sentiment of ".......You cancelled Marco Polo but decided to pay for this?" is just spoiling everything for me.

Same, but with Sense8. Troy is crap so far.

I can understand them canceling Sense8. It had a relatively small audience and cost 9 million dollars an episode.

They had a similar excuse for Marco Polo. 'It didn't have a lot of viewers and was expensive to make.'

I imagine Troy has a similar cost range and, at the reviews it's getting, will have even fewer viewers.

Hence the ire some of us have. Marco Polo at least was a new story (Troy has been rehashed a lot) and it was done well for 'as few' viewers as it had.

The whole point is that Sense8 and Marco Polo were about as expensive in their initial seasons, but Marco Polo had even smaller viewer numbers.

It wasn't even that good. I mean, it was fun, but it really should've been called The Misadventures of Kublai Khan and his Whacky White Buddy.