Good TV
Another Life is the best sci-fi I've watched in a while.
I watched it twice. So good. Can't wait for next season.
I watched it twice. So good. Can't wait for next season.
I might have to watch it again. I love it. I can't believe I almost slept on it.
The story is great. The horror elements are awesome. And the characters are wonderful. I want to snuggle William he's such a cinnamon roll.
I confess; I enjoy The Outpost and Pandora. They're utter shit, but at least they're original, and I'm surprisingly invested in the characters. The Outpost is the superior of the two, but the bar is low. But goddamn do I heart this trash.
Jensen Ackles is Soldier Boy in season 3 of The Boys.
Random She-Ra thought.
***=SFW content, just spoilery***
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Now that Titans is on HBO Max (along with other DC Online shows) I can finally watch it and I'm surprised by how much I'm enjoying it. I really like this interpretation of these characters. Even Raven, who is my least favorite, appeals to me. Dick and his life experience is dealt with in a very real way, and don't get me started on the awesomeness that is Donna Troy.
@Cupcake How are you getting HBO Max content, if I may ask?
I can get HBO Max content through my laptop just fine, but in my house are Roku devices. HBO is stonewalling Roku/Amazon from having the HBO Max app. Hulu has portal access to HBO Max, but it's really just HBO Now with the Max-specific content scrubbed out (so no Raised by Wolves, Titans, South Park, etc).
I hope they figure this thing out, soon. There's a TON of content on HBO Max and I want it all (not just some of it)
@Ghost It's an app on my tv, and because I already pay for HBO on my regular cable, I didn't have to pay an additional fees. I use the app on my phone as well.
So I don't know if anyone else here is still watching Supernatural, but the series finale is coming up soon. And unfortunately I'm about half a season behind because I didn't realize that their post-production halt episodes were up on the CW until a few of them had already aged off.
I have to wait until they're on Netflix, which won't be for at least a week after the last episode airs.
Spoilers not hidden by the spoiler thingie?
@Aria You're in the wrong thread, this is Good TV.
(lol no jk i watched this trash show for years. but i also haven't watched in several seasons.)
@Aria You're in the wrong thread, this is Good TV.
(lol no jk i watched this trash show for years. but i also haven't watched in several seasons.)
Ohh, I'm well aware that it's trash. But I'm pretty sure they're also well aware that it's trash and just really love making it anyway, which is part of why I love it so damned much.
To quote Chuck-slash-God, "It's not jumping the shark if you never come back down."
@Aria I love this show. But I disagree that the show is trash. Most of the plots and storylines are trash - the Leviathans being my least favorite, yes. However, I think the writing is actually better than people give it credit for. It leans into the bad dialogue and overused tropes to reuse things in new and unexpected ways. And, of course, the last 10 or so seasons are very different from the first 2-3.
But where they've really shined is making likable main characters and supporting characters and that's what has kept it around as long as they have. That's why longtime fans of the show are fans. Over time, you grow to love these two brothers whereas if you only sat down for a handful of episodes you'd likely pass on it.
Unfortunately for the producers, it is also the main reason their multiple attempts at spinoffs (3?) have repeatedly failed. People don't love Supernatural as a TV show. They love Sam and Dean (and Cass!). No one wants anything to do with a Supernatural show without Sam and Dean. And in the same vein, if you don't like Sam and Dean (probably because of some undiagnosed mental issue!) you won't like Supernatural.
From all appearances, it is a formula they blundered into - then keenly took advantage of when they recognized that people responded to it in order to last 15 seasons (US network 20~ episode seasons, not these pidly 6-10 newfangled seasons so many shows are doing now). That's no fluke. If you can connect with that thing that they do so well, then you're lucky enough to have 300+ episodes of a fun show to savor. If not, you won't miss much anyway. I, however, will miss it when it is gone.
@Warma-Sheen They did spin-offs? I vaguely remember hearing about one starring two women, but there were others?
@GreenFlashlight said in Good TV:
@Warma-Sheen They did spin-offs? I vaguely remember hearing about one starring two women, but there were others?
Two, not three.
First one was Bloodlines, which was like a Romeo & Juliet with monsters; and Wayward Sisters which is the one you're thinking of, about two women in their 40s-50s hunting people with the help of Castiel's Vessel's daughter and a tween vampire nurse.
Wayward Sisters which is the one you're thinking of, about two women in their 40s-50s hunting people with the help of Castiel's Vessel's daughter and a tween vampire nurse.
Huh. For some reason, I thought they were, uh, the mother-daughter team from the first four or five seasons. I forget their names. But thanks for clarifying that. I guess I got some titles to look up now.
@GreenFlashlight Season 9 had an episode called Bloodlines which was very Vampire Diaries. Took place in Chicago. I don't even think Sam or Dean were in the episode. If you didn't double check you might think some other show was on instead. Season 13 had Wayward Sisters (or something like that) with Jodie and her girls. Both of those episodes were pilots that went all the way through production and aired, specifically for the purpose of being a spinoff. Neither got any interest, but the characters from Season 13 were kept around as recurring on the main show. Meanwhile, no one ever heard from the characters on Bloodlines ever again.
Then there were a handful of other tries and ideas that never made it far enough to get all the way through airing a pilot. I'm not sure how far in the process those got, though. Supposedly, they put a lot of effort into trying though. But it never stuck.
@Warma-Sheen Just note, Wayward Sisters would have done fine outside of Supernatural. Jodi and Donna are absolutely beloved by the fanbase. CW literally loathes most female leads though, and they bailed on it without even giving it a chance saying "bloodlines" had a better shot creatively then bailing on that as well.
@GreenFlashlight said in Good TV:
Wayward Sisters which is the one you're thinking of, about two women in their 40s-50s hunting people with the help of Castiel's Vessel's daughter and a tween vampire nurse.
Huh. For some reason, I thought they were, uh, the mother-daughter team from the first four or five seasons. I forget their names. But thanks for clarifying that. I guess I got some titles to look up now.
Ellen and Jo.
No, they ded. They real ded. They would have made a fucking amazing spin-off, though, frankly.