Good TV
I saw Bell's announcement of that on Twitter yesterday and my RT was just a lot of exclamation points.
- 11 days later
Looks like Amazon has officially ordered the Wheel of Time as a new series while the rumor is they have dropped Conan.
@wildbaboons I just hope they have the budget for this. I'd love a great WoT show so much.
I'm just over here waiting for that First Law series that got leak/teased on twitter
But.... in the same way that I love Killer Klowns from Outer Space and not in the whole "this has a place of high honor in the canon of nerd culture" way.
The show definitely has its ups and downs and takes a while to hit its stride. It's got some episodes that are just flat-out astounding TV ("The Body" five seasons in comes to mind) and entire arcs that are deeply cringe and uncomfortable. I dunno, it's one of those shows that grabbed onto culture and shook it up in a way that is really hard to define, and I imagine it's probably genuinely difficult to feel impressed by it watching it for the first time years and years later after even better TV series that were influenced by Buffy have come and gone.
@wizz One of the things that I deeply value about the particular area I studied in school was learning to appreciate the difference between something being 'good' -- a term which I use here largely to mean well-done, culturally important, transformative for its genre, etc. -- and things that I like. Sometimes these overlap. Sometimes they don't. Hemingway, for example, totally changed English-language literature. He can also pretty much just eat my ass. I hate him very, very much and would punch his stupid face if I could.
Buffy, thus far, seems to be a strange amalgamation of cultural zeitgeist that may or may not stand up to time, deeply influential re: pop culture, thoroughly entertaining, and at times hilariously awful. This is not a complaint. I am enjoying it immensely, as much for the good as for the really bad.
Except Xander. Fuck Xander. Yes, I already said that. Imma say it again. Fuck that guy.
PS -- Who else is SUPER EXCITED about The Man in the High Castle dropping tomorrow?
First image from The Mandalorian plus a list of directors for episodes.
I also approve of Jon Favreau as producer/writer. I like his work.
First image from The Mandalorian plus a list of directors for episodes.
I also approve of Jon Favreau as producer/writer. I like his work.
OK, damn. I didn't think I could get excited about anything Star Wars again.
First image from The Mandalorian plus a list of directors for episodes.
I also approve of Jon Favreau as producer/writer. I like his work.
OK, damn. I didn't think I could get excited about anything Star Wars again.
<whispers> Taaaaaaaaika.
Yeah I'm pretty excited. They've got a nice list of directors. A writer who has done some fantastic movies. And it's MANDOS.
It's almost like they went 'okay guys, we kinda flubbed up. let's uh.... turn to some of our MCU heroes.'
@auspice I am probably going to get dog piled for this, and maybe I should, but... other than the lack of the text crawl at the start of it... I actually enjoyed Solo a fair bit.
I watched it just to watch it, was expecting the worst, and... was rather pleasantly surprised. I laughed and enjoyed it. Was it excellent cinema? No not really, but I did enjoy it and was entertained.
I am looking forwards to Taika though too.
@zombiegenesis said in Good TV:
I avoided Solo for the longest time after The Last Jedi turned me off of all things Star Wars related and, I have to say, I actually enjoyed it. It wan't the best movie I've ever seen but it rekindled my passion for Star Wars. Even if just a little bit. And for that I'm thankful.
Solo is under-rated. If you watch it as a heist movie, as opposed to a space opera movie, it is pretty fucking sweet.
Similarly, Rogue One is an excellent war movie.
Solo is under-rated. If you watch it as a heist movie, as opposed to a space opera movie, it is pretty fucking sweet.
Similarly, Rogue One is an excellent war movie.Star Wars is a universe in which you can tell many different kinds of stories. Too many SW fans seem to think only one kind of story is valid, though, and much drama results.
(Like those bemoaning Rebels for being too simplistic and not gritty enough. Guys, it's a kids cartoon.)
@faraday Kids gotta grow up sometime! Just kidding.
The diversity of the SW universe really comes through in the FFG series of RPGs. I think they did a good job of capturing the feel of "Scum and Villainy", "War", and "Struggling Young Jedis" with their series of games.
If not for the fact that the last time I tried to do a game using that system two of the first character requests I got were just awful I'd totally be running a SW game using Edge of the Empire and Force and Destiny. For those interested one was requesting a Star Destroyer for their base and the other wanted to represent the "future of the Jedi" with various lightsabers built into their advanced cybernetics(and they even had a new system for "super attributes" that we could use for them!)
@zombiegenesis Hey now, I think there was a spare Star Destroyer available for a base from the opening of Force Awakens.
So I binged the entire third season of The Man in the High Castle yesterday. (Look, it was my first day of vacation. I wanted to spend it in leggings, eating garbage and watching TV with my dog. Don't you fucking judge me.)
- It was reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally good.
- Be prepared to have a lot of difficult and uncomfortable feelings this season.
So I binged the entire third season of The Man in the High Castle yesterday. (Look, it was my first day of vacation. I wanted to spend it in leggings, eating garbage and watching TV with my
dogflurfcat. Don't you fucking judge me.)^ This is my tomorrow, slightly edited. Er, today. Later today, once I've had coffee.