Good TV
@tragedyjones said in Good TV:
Supergirl is a treasure.
You are a monster.
Damn right. Also, what exactly don't you like? is it "too corny"? "Too obvious"? "Too childish"? ?Not well-acted"? "Any number of other subjective things"?
It has gays and POC and Superman smiled. Garbage show for garbage people.
So gays. Much POC. Smile.
Supergirl is a treasure.
i am scared, I completely agree with Coin about something.
Honestly it is my favorite TV show at the moment, of course it does not hurt that it has introduced one of my top 5 favorite DC characters already this season, But then I have always been an LSH mark. -
I have been jibing on Supergirl since it started, and this season hasn't disappointed. I'm a fan of the three new characters they introduced (and it defied my expectations of the first character they introduced). Plus I love Maggie Sawyer, I hope they do a good job with her.Here I sit, though, still waiting for my Cyborg Superman villain.
I am sure we will see him eventually my initial guess was season 3 and I stand by that.
after all no other reason I can think of the have Martian Manhunter using that Hank Henshaw name unless you plan to introduce the real Hank Henshaw as a villain down the road.
I like the first season but so far the second has really hit it out of the park for me.
Same with Legends of Tomorrow. -
I haven't been watching Legends of Tomorrow. I got bored with Season 1 and didn't watch all of it. I am really liking Flash (as always), and Arrow is better this season so far. I was really glad to see Clark in the first couple eps of Supergirl, though I really would love to see Lois at some point too. They're doing a good job so far though. -
Can't watch Flash I really want to especially now that they have introduced Jesse Quick ,and Jay Garrick has appeared, but I can't hear the name Barry Allen with out the entirety of my giving a shit draining from my body.
Arrow I watch off and on but it has never quite made the jump into the set aside time to see it list for me. -
I like Supergirl, mostly because I like what DC is trying to do with the Arrowverse. I'm definitely old enough to like it for Ally McBeal.
I'm just curious how they're going to do the crossovers, with LoT being in a different time, and Supergirl being in a different reality. -
@ArmedCarp said in Good TV:
I'm just curious how they're going to do the crossovers, with LoT being in a different time, and Supergirl being in a different reality.
Well neither time travel nor reality hopping are strangers to superhero stories. From what I heard they will keep the big crossover events to one a season and that seems doable. After all we had Flash pop over to Supergirl last year.
My guess for this year is that it will be facilitated by Zoom. He is being built as a big villain and time traveler on LoT and he has the obvious connection to Flash. It should be too hard to explain him dragging in SG with some mumbo jumbo about his method of time travel breaking down barriers between the realities, Arrow and already appeared this season in LoT and can be drug in via connection there or with Flash and there you go.
Note before people say anything about spoilers I know nothing that is just logical conjecture. -
Without spoiling, consequences of the previous season of The Flash have allowed for alterations of this season's present, and it's having a ripple effect across all of the shows. The Legends are in a different time, but since they're in a
TARDIStimeship, they can basically be wherever/whenever the writers need them to be. -
Anyone else watching Class?
@Insomnia: is it only airing in the UK right now?
@Cupcake It's airing in Canada. We got the first two episodes on Space.
There was a half-naked male butt though, so probably why it's not on SyFy yet. I remembered they had to edit all the butts out of Bitten.
I have been jibing on Supergirl since it started, and this season hasn't disappointed. I'm a fan of the three new characters they introduced (and it defied my expectations of the first character they introduced). Plus I love Maggie Sawyer, I hope they do a good job with her.Here I sit, though, still waiting for my Cyborg Superman villain.
.How much you wanna bet Dean Cain is going to come back as Cyborg-Jeremiah-Danvers-possessed-by-the-consciousness-of-the-evil-Hank-Henshaw?
That's what I would write. >.>
@Cupcake It's airing in Canada. We got the first two episodes on Space.
There was a half-naked male butt though, so probably why it's not on SyFy yet. I remembered they had to edit all the butts out of Bitten.
Oh, sweet jeebus, really? That is just... I don't even need to say that this is dumb. It is so beyond obvious that this is dumb. And haven't they had shows that show butts (or other bits) anyway? Other cable (and even network) shows seem to have managed to get away with some random backsides here and there.
Just... really? This is why we have the 'month or so after Canada' delay on most things?
@surreality If I had to hazard a guess, yup! I was on a TV only forum when Bitten first came out and the Canadians were talking about scenes, and then the people in the US would pipe up asking what scenes we were talking about, they didn't get those scenes. Turns out a lot was cut because you know, werewolves like to be naked. But since it was put out by both Space and Syfy there was only a weeks delay to remove the butts. Same thing happened with Lost Girl - a lot less sideboob when it started airing on Syfy but since Syfy picked it up there was more of a delay.
I remember when I came back from the UK I saw that Space was airing Trueblood. I figured the show must be about 15 minutes each episode once they've taken everything out (swearing, nekkid bodies, gore too? But the US is more tolerant of blood than bodies). But while I was gone, Space was no longer a basic channel. So after 9pm we can get our tits out and say fuck as much as we want.
And Class is more Torchwood than Sarah Jane Adventures, but without the toys. Also high school. And they use the word cunt far more over there when we do here. So that all adds up to you guys having to wait a while. Got to make a show not directed at kids, kid friendly. Or something.
So if you guys have to wait a month it'll be more than halfway over before you can see it, since it's only 8 episodes long and the first 2 aired last week.
@Insomnia: It'll probably end up on BBC America, they have less issue with showing butts.
And oh god, I found Bitten incredibly problematic, though I think the actor who played the dude who bit her was on No Tomorrow the other night. Which by the way is a really cute, clever show that probably won't last more than one season.
@Cupcake Ah yeah, that makes sense, since Doctor Who was on it. No idea why you guys have to wait then. I would say licensing is whats holding it up then, not butts @surreality.
Why wait? Just find it on Kodi.
- topic:timeago_later,10 days
I love Westworld. It's so good.
I just hope it can cash the cheques it's writing, because the last time I watched a series stockpiling its mysteries at this high a rate it was Lost, and we all know how that ended.