- Hello again, @ArmedCarp
- Hawaii Five-Point-Zero?
Good TV
- Hello again, @ArmedCarp
- Hawaii Five-Point-Zero?
I think he means Hawaii Five-O, y'know, with McGarrett? -
I think he means Hawaii Five-O, y'know, with McGarrett?Hopefully that's the version he's talking about, at least the reboot I've watched has been pretty plain. And yeah, it's Hawaii Five-O, which is what I was mildly making fun of.
So much pretty.
Insecure, might not be everybody's brand of humor, but I'm finding it hilarious.
@ThugHeaven Agreed!
Hey fellow frock drama fans - if you haven't already, check out Versailles on Ovation channel. Aethelstan from Vikings as Louis the 14th.
Been watching Season 2 of Dark Matter, god I love that show.
@Lithium I reaaaally wasn't sold on it to start with, but it grew on me. Now I think I like it better than its sister show.
@lordbelh I didn't even know there was a sister show
@Lithium Killjoys. That's how they refer to it, anyway.
Omg, Black Mirror is so good!
I watched a show called "Aftermath".
What the @&$#?!!! -
Yesterday's Lucifer was really good. They're starting to really ramp up the mythology stuff and weave in the allegorical police cases week to week a little more tightly. Also, Charisma Carpenter was on it.
Supergirl is a treasure.
Supergirl is a treasure.
You are a monster.
Damn right. Also, what exactly don't you like? is it "too corny"? "Too obvious"? "Too childish"? ?Not well-acted"? "Any number of other subjective things"?
That's sad for you, then. But hardly a reason to call me a monster.
You should use one of the many other, more accurate reasons.
Supergirl is a treasure.
You are a monster.
Damn right. Also, what exactly don't you like? is it "too corny"? "Too obvious"? "Too childish"? ?Not well-acted"? "Any number of other subjective things"?
It has gays and POC and Superman smiled. Garbage show for garbage people.