Those of you stuck at home need to watch Money Heist. It is an excellent show.
Good TV
Those of you stuck at home need to watch Money Heist. It is an excellent show.
Hopes too high.
Hopes too high.
shouldn't get hopes high
hope meter through the roof
ETA: the fact that his daughter speaks highly of it is a really good sign
@Groth They start getting into the aspects of imperialism in the most recent episode especially, so it may be taking a look at that. How that situation is going to be handled long term is something that interests me, at least.
I suspect the bigger drama will come from the 'terrorist' faction, which... well, my bet is on them being less insane than they're initially set up to be seen as. They're still fairly opaque for the moment, while the cracks and flaws of the military faction and the society built around it are being shown more and more.
Though, really. It's a show focusing on girls in their late teens. They should be pondering romances and relationships and normal people shit. They just can't, due to the position they're in. If that doesn't become increasingly relevant and obvious over time, it will annoy me, but as 'these are previously mostly normal girls leaving mostly normal girl life and moving into a life that doesn't allow for being normal girls any more in any way' the initial flirty foo and romantic stuff is a reasonable baseline. It's whether that line moves or not, and whether that's going to present a stark contrast to what happens later, that's going to be telling.
I mean, nobody ever stopped fucking in Game of Thrones.
Hopes too high.
shouldn't get hopes high
hope meter through the roof
ETA: the fact that his daughter speaks highly of it is a really good sign
I tweeted to say I had hopes because she was involved and she liked my tweet. So I tweeted a squee that she liked it and she liked that one too! I'm really hopeful, guys, I am. Pleasedon'tletthiscrushmepleaseIneedthis.
Netflix dropped season four of The Last Kingdom with, like, no pre-announced release date and no warning. It just kinda showed up. And I am SUPER EXCITED.
@Aria Stalk their 'latest' page. It lists 'coming this week' and 'coming next week', and omg has it saved my sanity on and off seeing that something potentially cool is coming down the pike.
...I will shamefully admit I really enjoyed 'Outer Banks', too. While teen dramas are fairly flinchy for me, I have a weakness for treasure hunt stories and it wasn't a bad one. It's an easy one day half-assed attention binge, if nothing else.
Outer Banks was pretty good. My biggest grieve with it was that it took me awhile to realize that the main characters were supposed to be 16 since they clearly did not look 16.
@surreality Having watched the most recent ep, I've decided I really like the series; I find it fresh and original (which feels rare these days) and there's equal parts of romance and politics and the like. Your point made was right on, about this being young women in their late teens, striving for what they understand as normalcy, or arguably excellency in the world they perceive to be normal. And the Bechdel Test manages well here.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the level to which the patriarchy is thoroughly smashed on this show.
I've watched 3 episodes of Motherland: Fort Salem and I still don't quite know what to make of it. Thoughts, anyone?
The worldbuilding is pretty cool, but the premise in and of itself is a bit whackadoodle. I think it might be too much for the casual tv watcher to handle.
I'm really enjoying it. The characters are interesting (I'm not hugely into the overwrought teen romance, but the fact that it's between two women instead a woman and a 'bad boy' is at least a fun shift in the typical formula), and I like the way it builds a magical society rooted in American witch folklore a LOT better than, say, The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.
Also, the special effects aren't bad for a small network show, the magic system is genuinely intriguing, and I love that they aren't leaning back from some of the implications of a society of warriors. Most of the characters have war dead in their background, and in some frankly brutal fashions, and they deal with that in ways that I find interesting.
It still has a lot of room to crash and burn (and I can see several ways it could go from here that I'm just not interested in), but I'm liking it so far.
@Cupcake I have the most recent queued up for when the husband stops vacuuming the hallway outside the office so I can actually tell what's going on. (Wow, I didn't realize how hilariously patriarchy-bird-flipping in itself that statement was until I typed it, and now I'm giggling.)
I actually like that aspect of it, in that it does highlight the difference so well. 'This is how different it is from real world lives' shows when that's shown. (Will try to keep this spoiler-free.) Little details like 'the guide book' and how people are paired up are actually huge, even if they initially seem like fluff. Same with people actively discussing, 'welp, we're gay, but when our time comes to do our duty, you don't totally suck?' These things aren't minor shifts from modern real world society and without some attention paid to the romance foo, we wouldn't see them, know them, or understand that (important) aspect of the world-building, which affects so much more than romance; it's a whole paradigm shift being laid out. I mean, sure, they could have just cut to a lecture class in which some professor just says all of this, but that would be a much less honest depiction of how it actually impacts the characters' lives.
I have a sneaking suspicion this is where we're going to see a lot of the conflict and potentially some of the antagonist faction's issues arise, in that we -- in the real world -- would not be keen on putting up with a lot of that, and if that's one of the objections raised, it gives us in the audience reason to empathize rather than just broad-brush cartoon-villain the group, which is thankfully something most stories are getting better about.
ETA: What gets to me a little is that it's a world as different as, say, The Handmaid's Tale. I see different people complaining about the two series, though, and it's uncomfortable to realize that a lot of typically well-intentioned and fairly woke dudes have issues with Motherland, but not THM... and the ugly question about 'but the women are in charge in one, not the other' creeps into my brain.
@surreality Honestly, if they have problems with Motherland but not The Handmaid's Tale, I suspect they're not all that well-intentioned or woke.
It's funny though, because during the episode that was particularly dealing with the heavy emphasis on sex and sexual energy, it is explicitly mentioned prior to the ritual itself is that you should look to whoever you desire, regardless of who it might be and during the ritual people were partnering with others of the same gender, the opposite gender, and in multiples as it suited them.
I'm wondering if the baddies actually have a sizeable population of men amongst them, given their particular position in witch society being significantly less dominant than the roles available for women.
@Cupcake That episode did a genuinely better job at portraying a sex positive society that still has certain gendered expectations that most fiction I've seen. I loved the fact that, while it seemed clear that you had to start paired up with a member of the opposite sex, everyone involved emphasized that the important thing was that people participate, not HOW they participate. Friendship was just as valid as sexytimes, in whatever combo you wanted. It was all very low pressure and accepting in a way I appreciated for that sort of trope.
I just now discovered Boston Legal. I never watched it when it was being made. I have to admit it has my attention, both for casting and the knife-sharp dialogue.
I'll have to get back to the premium shows at some point, but I needed a diversion and I remember my late father speaking fondly of the series.
I am enjoying Travelers. It is a little different from most time travel stuff I've watched in that you do not have the characters skipping back and forth on screen (I do not think my stress flatlined brain could handle something similar to Dark right now for example).
Hollywood was so, so good. I'll admit I'm a sucker for exactly these sorts of stories. But, ugh, so good.
I am enjoying Travelers. It is a little different from most time travel stuff I've watched in that you do not have the characters skipping back and forth on screen (I do not think my stress flatlined brain could handle something similar to Dark right now for example).
Travellers handles time travel a lot better than most other stories and part of the reason for that is because they don't go skipping around through time.
I watched Outer Banks and it was enjoyable enough. The only thing that bugged me is that everyone calls the protagonist "John B." I get that's his name but they repeat it over and over and over and like,okay man, I get it, his parents were assholes that named him after a Beach Boys song; but it's so unrealistically clunky to have them only call him that.
P.S. The Westworld season finale was eh.
So I finally got around to trying NOS4A2. I am 6 Episodes in and I am loving it.
One gripe.
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