RL things I love
@Thenomain said:
@Coin said:
@Three-Eyed-Crow said:
@Coin said:
This is true--in Asia.
It's true in a lot of Native American tribes in America as well. My first job out of college was in a Res town and, even having lived in the West all my life, I was surprised by how often it popped up in art and older drawings (there was a fairly big 'whirling log' style one on a bridge in town). I got used to it (the context is so very clearly divorced from anything related to Nazism), and I now just find it depressing how thoroughly it was co-opted.
Even if it were public knowledge that this particular symbol was part of Native American symbology, it would get buried handily under the more common, archetypical, sanitized shit like feather headdresses and arrows and shit.
Did you know that "gay" really means happy? Any non-definitive use of it is based on culture and therefore nobody else is allowed to get upset by its use and blah blah blare barf garble blee.
Did you know that "bad" has probable roots in the Old English "bǣddel", meaning "hermaphrodite; womanish man"?
Gives a whole new context to people using "gay" torefer to something they don't like. Almost like linguistic history repeating itself!
Not that I support it, but I do find it fascinating.
@WTFE said:
@AmishRakeFight said:
The symbols inclusion into a certain horrifying ideology often negates its far more innocent origin.
You understand, don't you, that it is still used in that innocent (indeed meritorious) meaning? That people who view the swastika as a symbol of health, good fortune, moral uprightness, etc. outnumber the people who view it as Nazi by about 3:1?
My son took the rubbing that's at the base of that sketch from a temple's adornments. A temple that may have originated centuries ago, but whose current buildings are younger than I am.
Since this whole thing inspires defensiveness, I'll just say:
Yes, I am aware of the general non-Western context already.
The broad history lesson about it is probably helpful to others but I'm already aware.
The picture lacked a certain amount of context about your geolocation and cultural expression.
I didn't get in your face about it but noted that I was merely confused by the picture (again, not a lot of context). -
Actually, it's incorrect to label it non-Western. The swastika appears on ancient Greek coins up to 2500 years ago.
(Things I love: pretending to freak the fuck out.)
@TNP said:
Actually, it's incorrect to label it non-Western. The swastika appears on ancient Greek coins up to 2500 years ago.
And on Canadian hockey jerseys in the 20th century.
And on American branding and marketing.
And on American military vehicles.
(It was particularly popular among aviators for some reason.)
Contrary to @Thenomain's assumption, I am sniggering here. (See what I did there?) I'm laughing at the complete ignorance people have of their own country's history to the point that you make shit up like "clockwise bad, counter-clockwise good ... or is it the other way around?" The total erasure of culture and history entertains me to no end. The swastika was literally everywhere in the west: Germany, England, France, Canada, the USA until it suddenly vanished from the public eye and was seemingly systematically erased out of embarrassment.
Now the erasure makes sense. If you're German. The Hakenkreuz should be a huge mental scar on the German psyche for generations to come. And I can also see how European Jews would think that perhaps the original meaning has been lost for them.
Despite their own history with the symbol.
But for the erasure to be so complete (without any kind of legal enforcement no less!) in a country as far removed from the Hakenkreuz as the USA both astonishes me and delights me. And this is further enhanced as I watch mythology (like the "lefty-laid back, righty tighty" one for how the direction changes between good and evil) created (admittedly in slow motion) before my very eyes. Not in my lifetime, but in the lifetime of my parents, the swastika went from a popular emblem of good luck (to the point that Coca Cola was sold using it!) to something nobody knows anything at all about except that "The swastika is evil, m'kay?" Where "educated" people will "understand" that it was/is different in "the East" (albeit with the bullshit mythology of lefty-laid back, righty tighty) but where those very same educated people don't know that there's a very good chance their parents (or grandparents) had swastikas on their playing cards, their clothing, around their necks, on their buildings, etc.
Theno-chan, is it alright if I take a drink now? WTFE basically just said he was posting for his own amusement, and, well, I'd hate to miss out on a chance.
Also, FWIW, he kinda wanted us to talk about how adorable his baby is, instead of arguing about swastikas, poor fellow. 'Twas basically a "Look how adorable my kid is!" post.
I shall humor him.
Yes, WTFE, your kid is supa supa cute. I am jelly. I, too, wish I had I had a Chinese Waifu to make black-Asian baby kids with.
I wouldn't call them black-asian though. I'd just call them black, and yell at them to get their black asses downstairs.
Alas, it shall never happen, because they don't let black people go to China. [wistful sigh]
@Cirno Monique already labeled that as Blasian. You know it's straight from her mouth to gods ears.
New laptop
Taking the Spafinder gift cards I got for Christmas and getting a massage todaaaaaaaaaaay
Woohoo! And I am enjoying Terraria 3DS, my new yarn and chilling. I am excited the knitting needles I ordered two years ago will be worked on and shipped soon.
@silentsophia said:
Woohoo! And I am enjoying Terraria 3DS, my new yarn and chilling. I am excited the knitting needles I ordered two years ago will be worked on and shipped soon.
I have the original Terraria on Steam, but I found playing it on my own supremely boring.
FINALIZED DIVORCE PAPERS!!! Its only been two years since the ex supposedly filed them. >.>
@Miss-Demeanor said:
FINALIZED DIVORCE PAPERS!!! Its only been two years since the ex supposedly filed them. >.>
My latest batch of beer turned out really well. Just shy of 7%, it's dark and tasty, and gives good head.
That the Avastin continues to work. After my oncologist confirmed this i had my 21st infusion today
For the first time in ever, being fat was a bonus. I got to eat a hearty meal at Cracker Barrel and remain under my weightloss goal calorie count.
That feeling you get when you look at the schedule and see a little white box in one of the columns beside your name. No numbers. Just an empty white box.
Also that feeling you get when your co-workers try to get you to cover their shift that day and you tell them to shove it up their bungholes.
Finding out a giant fuckup is not, in fact, my fault.