I love sleep so very much.
So. Much.
I love sleep so very much.
So. Much.
After working with a young woman in two different capacities for over two years, I find out today that her Chinese name is the single most Chinese name that is even remotely conceivable: 张梦蝶 (Zhang Mengdie). Literally her name is Zhang Dream Butterfly.
Seriously, this is the kind of shit that makes me love living in this place.
@WTFE said in RL things I love:
After working with a young woman in two different capacities for over two years, I find out today that her Chinese name is the single most Chinese name that is even remotely conceivable: 张梦蝶 (Zhang Mengdie). Literally her name is Zhang Dream Butterfly.
Seriously, this is the kind of shit that makes me love living in this place.
What does 'Zhang' mean? (If anything.)
"Zhang" in this context is just a surname without any particular meaning. In other contexts it can be used to mean "nervous" or "open" or even "string".
@WTFE said in RL things I love:
"Zhang" in this context is just a surname without any particular meaning. In other contexts it can be used to mean "nervous" or "open" or even "string".
Well, in other languages surnames are often derived from word-pairs that meant something way back when, but don't within present context.
So Zhang as a surname might have meant something originally. Still, Nervous Dream Butterfly sounds like a great name.
Zombie Army Triology. Caught it on sale yesterday and it's so much fun. The only thing better than shooting nazis is shooting nazi zombies!
I love my 5.4 ft Dwarf Red-Tail Boa.
I do not love the sense of bewilderment and confusion when he opens the lid to his terrarium, by himself, overnight, and goes to sleep on top of my Water Dragon's terrarium. Nearly had a fucking heart attack.
@Faceless said in RL things I love:
- Disney Pixar's "Inside Out"
- Freezable teething rings
- Nap time
- Baby Azkaban
- Weird Al's "Word Crimes"
- Nap time
But getting Lux in Aram, though.
@Kanye-Qwest said in RL things I love:
But getting Lux in Aram, though.
But I don't own Lux, so I never really get her.
Nasus tho'. Dat Spirit Fire spam, amirite? Takes up like two thirds of the fucking lane, man.
@Coin Yes! I build AP nasus and get kills under turret as soon as we push in. Nobody expects that damage.
@Kanye-Qwest said in RL things I love:
@Coin Yes! I build AP nasus and get kills under turret as soon as we push in. Nobody expects that damage.
I'm horrible at League of Legends, to be perfectly and brutally honest.
Like, until I picked it up again recently, I used to have record deaths and shit. I didn't even give a fuck. I still don't, really. Nothing makes me grin like a sadistic monster more than watching people lose their shit because I'm bad at a game and they need this win against these bots omg.
So when I was the one carrying the entire ARAM team on Ashe of all squishysquishes, it was fucking hilarious. And then the rest of my team surrendered. Who the fuck surrenders in ARAM? Bunch of wusses.
@Coin said in RL things I love:
@Kanye-Qwest said in RL things I love:
@Coin Yes! I build AP nasus and get kills under turret as soon as we push in. Nobody expects that damage.
I'm horrible at League of Legends, to be perfectly and brutally honest.
Like, until I picked it up again recently, I used to have record deaths and shit. I didn't even give a fuck. I still don't, really. Nothing makes me grin like a sadistic monster more than watching people lose their shit because I'm bad at a game and they need this win against these bots omg.
So when I was the one carrying the entire ARAM team on Ashe of all squishysquishes, it was fucking hilarious. And then the rest of my team surrendered. Who the fuck surrenders in ARAM? Bunch of wusses.
Play Smite. The reactions are hysterical.
@Coin said in RL things I love:
- Getting Ashe or Nasus in ARAM
Noooooo, man! It's all about Fiddlesticks in ARAM!
I can wear polo shirts at work instead of stuffy button-up shirts.
I'm good.
@Vorpal said in RL things I love:
I can wear polo shirts at work instead of stuffy button-up shirts.
I'm good.
I'm wearing a Flash t-shirt at work as I type this. I am better.
@Arkandel No, if you were better you would be wearing a Wonder Woman t-shirt. You're only slightly more adequate, for now
@Coin Are you pregnant, girl, or just really fat?
@mietze said in RL things I love:
@Coin Are you pregnant, girl, or just really fat?
I am none of these!
Can't a man just love naps and oatmeal with brown sugar? Gosh. So oppressed. ;_____;