Someone legit punched a great white shark.
Because apparently this is a real thing, and not just in a MU.
Someone legit punched a great white shark.
Because apparently this is a real thing, and not just in a MU.
If I recall correctly, the experts say that you're supposed to punch 'em in the schnoz if you're needing to fight one off.
@SixRegrets The nose and/or the gills, IIRC.
@SixRegrets said in RL things I love:
If I recall correctly, the experts say that you're supposed to punch 'em in the schnoz if you're needing to fight one off.
I've heard that too.
The skills that I have learned mushing / running games are highly valued in my place of employment. They are gaining me recognition and praise, and I am being sought out to do the things that I learned specifically, directly from my experiences mushing. (eta example: think writing policies, or handling complaints from troubled users with grace)
I basically got a raise because of this hobby. It's a sixty cent raise, which doesn't sound like much but in the world of government is huge.
@Sunny dang that is awesome.
Right?!? I am really blessed.
@Sunny said in RL things I love:
It's a sixty cent raise
Exactly what I estimate our MUing to be worth.
This is weirdly mean given the location of the posts.
Gosh I could watch that a thousand times.
Honestly I could listen to the hurdy gurdy and hammered dulcimer all day. Separately or together!
...a non-violent burning down of a federal building...
@Derp said in RL things I love:
...a non-violent burning down of a federal building...
It's an unimportant federal building. Like an abandoned Fish and Wildlife Service hut that's still technically owned by the Federal government, even though the land six feet away from it was leased to the local city...
@Tinuviel said in RL things I love:
It's an unimportant federal building.
A rural post office that had closed down three years ago due to budget cuts and a small population in that zipcode that is now handled by the larger post office at the nearby large town/city.
@Ominous said in RL things I love:
@Tinuviel said in RL things I love:
It's an unimportant federal building.
A rural post office that had closed down three years ago due to budget cuts and a small population in that zipcode that is now handled by the larger post office at the nearby large town/city.
We don't talk about closing down post offices.
I was actually referencing something that happened in my home county over a decade ago, but it is a bit relevant today, isn't it?
When you are exhausted moving your entire life into a new house at the and of a month, trying to clear out storage and work spaces before the next bill cycle ticks over, and....
... Your family who have been driving you insane for 13 months all step in to help without you having a chance to ask.
Moving across the country was the best decision ever.
Holy fuck am I tired.
And I think we forgot all the toothbrushes at my mom's house.
As I have moved cross country a few times. It sucks. However, I'm really glad that you had a support system .Sorry about the toothbrushes.
I shall soon be joining you as cross-country mover. I am not looking forward to it, and I wouldn't have been able to do it without the help of my friends and family, which has been quite heartening.