@ganymede said in RL things I love:
fuck the shit out of her
I genuinely don't know how English-speaking people have managed to avoid thinking about this image en masse enough to allow it to become a saying.
@ganymede said in RL things I love:
fuck the shit out of her
I genuinely don't know how English-speaking people have managed to avoid thinking about this image en masse enough to allow it to become a saying.
I have. I prefer "fuck him/her silly," "fuck him/her stupid," "fuck him/her crazy," or "fuck his/her brains out."
Well, now I'm thinking about those.
I'll take the former. Shit happens. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@greenflashlight said in RL things I love:
@ganymede said in RL things I love:
fuck the shit out of her
I genuinely don't know how English-speaking people have managed to avoid thinking about this image en masse enough to allow it to become a saying.
Most swear words in English are remarkably flexible and only mean their actual, literal meaning (I am totally making this up here because statistics!), like, five percent of the time?
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"Stop dicking around."
"Piss off, jerk."
"This sucks, man."
We do this a lot with English, even with non-swear words, too.
"What an awful story!"
"That's sick, dude."
"He's cool."
And pretty much any use of the word literally after about 1995.
Language is weird, especially English.
It probably depends on whether they are visual thinkers too. I run into this problem a lot. Can't deal with the imagery that gets stuck in my head if someone mentions Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey ice cream. I still giggle literally every time on a mush I go into a bar/establishment and see people posing sitting on a stool. Frequent fliers (mostly profanity) don't get stuck in my head but a lot of other things do. I haven't met too many people with this problem, but I'm sure they're out there!
@aria Sure, I get all that. I just mean I don't understand how, the first time that phrase was coined, the people who heard it didn't get an instant mental image that made them recoil from it so hard no one ever said it again.
I have been listening to Old Gods of Appalachia a lot lately. Horror podcast that takes place in an alternate Appalachian mountain range.
Obviously being here I have an interest in folklore and folk magic, and there is still stuff that pops up now and then in this that I wasn't familiar with.
A friend finally got out of an abusive relationship. And not just got out off, but made it so the guy lost his medical license, his job, and had to move out of state and won't ever come back. Woo for karma finally coming in.
@greenflashlight said in RL things I love:
@aria Sure, I get all that. I just mean I don't understand how, the first time that phrase was coined, the people who heard it didn't get an instant mental image that made them recoil from it so hard no one ever said it again.
Neh, toilet-based things haven't been a taboo or cause for concern for very long. Gross, sure, but a 'fact of life' for most generations before the modern-day.
@duntada said in RL things I love:
I have been listening to Old Gods of Appalachia a lot lately. Horror podcast that takes place in an alternate Appalachian mountain range.
Obviously being here I have an interest in folklore and folk magic, and there is still stuff that pops up now and then in this that I wasn't familiar with.
Have they talked about Mothman or Bell Witch yet? Or the Peebles Test Operation Facility or Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant?
My teething puppy decided to scare the shit out of me this week by not eating. Considering when I first got her she used to vacuum her meals up in five seconds flat, this had me seriously worried.
I switched to free-feeding kibble since the raw was getting wasted and then attracting flies. But, today I noticed her gobble up the last of last night's kibble and then look up for more.
So I tried breaking out the raw again. She gobbled it up. I was so elated by this I ended up giving her a treat — to reward her for eating.
Doggo eating again. All is right in the world. I am happy. Watching animals eat is a thing I could do all day.
@ominous said in RL things I love:
Have they talked about Mothman or Bell Witch yet? Or the Peebles Test Operation Facility or Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant?
The storyline is still in the 1930 or so as far as I have gotten, so most of those aren't around yet. There is a mention of the Bell Witch, though not by name yet. Just one of the many spirits in the mountains.
Remember when you could work on your own car with only a miminal amount of automobile knowledge? Change oil, a tire, spark plugs, stuff like that and it was always more or less dummy proof.
You could, if you were feeling frisky, do a brake replacement or rotar swap if you had the tools for it.
I have 2017 Charger. I love it, I call her Rachel. Two weeks ago, the car started having a rough or hard idle. In my head I had three well know options: spark plug, fuel injectors, or vacuum line(a friend said motor mount which was also a possibility).
I decided to change the spark plugs because, why not, that tends to be the most frequent reason. I had to take apart a decent amount just to get to them. And turns out that wasn't even what was wrong(it was one fuel injector).
I'm very happy I got my dark blue speed machine back. But I won't deny that I'm just a touch salty about how much effort I had to put in to replace something that maybe took me an hour on older cars.
Modern cars are nice, but man, I really miss working on stuff that was easier. Still, I'm happy my car drives again.
@testament said in RL things I love:
Modern cars are nice, but man, I really miss working on stuff that was easier.
I swear they bury shit like sparkplugs and injectors so damn deep into the engine nowadays that someone's getting their rocks off on how far in you have to insert your arm.
@ganymede In this instance, it was a case of having to take off the entire air intake, and then the whole upper manifold just to get to the spark plugs, the fuel rails(which is what house the injectors), and the coil packs, the last of which I really dread replacing. Not because they're hard to replace but more that coil packs are just so goddamn expensive.
Also, pre-gapped spark plugs are bullshit. Standard gap width should be a 4.0, granted my Charger runs best on plugs gapped to 4.3 but I was willing to ignore that point. All of them came gapped at 3.5.
ALSO also, I had to buy buy a inch/pound torque wrench, because my foot/pound wrench wouldn't go low enough for the 89 inch/pounds which was the torque spec for the bolts when putting the upper manifold back on. But this is just me griping at this point.
Sample printing images from the coloring book I am making for -me- to color. So. I'm coloring my own art. On fancy watercolor paper @Ganymede sent me (I'm testing the ink for bleed). It might be weird how much I love this but I don't care; it makes me happy.
How it's going:
The paper is incredibly absorbent and mildly unforgiving, but the colors are so damn vibrant, I don't even care. Thank you so much.
Oh, I had that paper when I was painting and drawing as a younger cat.
Yeah, it's totally unforgiving.