RL things I love
@Aria said in RL things I love:
I just got into the top-ranked of the four MBA programs that I applied to -- making the interview I have at another one on Monday waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less stressful and dropping the fact that a third refused to grant me a GMAT waiver into a "Cool, you guys can withdraw my application" category of giving zero fucks.
Please take the economics courses seriously, though, seriously.
@Ganymede said in RL things I love:
@Aria said in RL things I love:
I just got into the top-ranked of the four MBA programs that I applied to -- making the interview I have at another one on Monday waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less stressful and dropping the fact that a third refused to grant me a GMAT waiver into a "Cool, you guys can withdraw my application" category of giving zero fucks.
Please take the economics courses seriously, though, seriously.
I'm way more worried about the accounting classes than anything else. I may work at a massive finance company, but not in a finance position. My understanding is in broad strokes and large scale, not what stock you should have in your portfolio. <pats her A's in Macroeconomics>
Not looking forward to "Financial Accounting for Managers".
I am very pleased at the emphasis on business ethics the program I'm interviewing with on Monday has, though, and it's one of the things that I pointed out in my essay. It's one of the things that drew me to my undergraduate school, too, along with their philosophy requirements. And it's definitely why I took a pay cut to move to the company I'm at now.
Having money is great. Having money at the cost of your soul and the well-being of large masses of other people, not so much. Fuck that.
Costco has mochi. Not the ice cream kind, but the kind stuffed with green tea, red bean, and taro pastegloop respectively.
I'm sure they're crap to purists, but damn are they tasty to me. They come in an assortment of the three flavors.
(I am more or less a sucker for taro anything especially.)
@surreality Depending on which Costco you go to, they also have the ice cream kind!
I confess, I love the ice cream kind. I like the non-ice cream too, but the strawberry ice cream ones are just /so/ good.
I love both, but have a special weakness for the non-ice cream ones since they're usually SO hard to find. (Trader Joe's has some great ice cream ones, too. The coffee one, sadly, is not one of them... <shudder>)
Fried mochi ice-cream.
@surreality The local grocery chain carries them. So I'm lucky - they have both - ice cream and non.
Learning today that one of my best friends now is cancer free from the neck down, and the brain tumor that was nuked two years ago hasn't flared up again (state of remission or something, I don't understand the medical terms.) This guy had kidney cancer, and cancer in a leg, plus a brain tumor, and then he had another tiny brain tumor that they nuked. It's been some long years of waiting anxiously.
NHS is the best. I'm so relieved. My friend is gonna make it.
So the stitching group I was a part of sort of blew up.
Well, it didn't, but I left it. I wasn't the only one. A sort of core group (a clique, as you may say) had formed. And the leader of the group was a part of it. This clique was allowed to behave in terrible ways. They treated me poorly. They treated others poorly. And no one was allowed to speak out against them.
The clique type behavior we sometimes complain about here? It was in full display, so I walked. The final straw for me was when one of the members made a transphobic joke (to someone who is openly genderfluid) and when called out, pulled the 'lol it's okay I'm gay' card. But he's part of the clique. And the woman running the group just shrugged and went 'He is LGBT so it's cool.' NEWP. Transphobic jokes are NEVER OK.
So I left. I just stopped interacting.
But, Auspice, you might be wondering: this is the RL Things I love thread.
Why yes, it is!Today, someone from that group reached out to me. Someone I still liked, but I wasn't sure WHO? was still OK and who wasn't. I usually just (such as with games) cut my ties and go. But she reached out to say she'd missed me, asked how I was doing. Come to find out the same issues (including that particular 'joke') had bothered her and she was planning to start her own group, particularly for steotch (which is starting early this year to specifically be a low-key, more casual event), and she'd really like me to be a part of it.
It was something really nice, uplifting, and encouraging to hear. Not only am I glad other people see and are aware of that toxic behavior for what it is... it felt nice to have someone reach out to me and want to involve me in something that's going to be better.
Not sure what group (but I will try to find out when I have bandwidth this weekend) went around and put "Class of 2020, we love you" with the high school logo printed yard signs in the seniors' yards or at their apartment doors sometime this morning/afternoon.
I saw the sign when I came home from work and needed to have a tearful moment in the car before coming in. That plus a surprise package of new college gear (sweats plus hoodie plus shirt) from us and some surprise cash from grandparents made my oldest smile bigger than I've seen in months.
I have been so mentally exhausted when I am home and burnt out I was worried about being able to do special things like that when I'd seen them pop up for other schools, but someone in the community made it happen. My eldest has been pretty sad as the reality of prom/senior breakfast, grad party, and graduation being cancelled has hit in the last few weeks.
It was nice to have a reprieve, today.
One of the covid-19 volunteer group I'm part of, on hearing I haven't been well, left bath salts on my doorstep. Lavender bath salts. A little kind gesture that reduced me to tears. Seeing our community look out for each other has been a real pleasure.
The moment you realize you're saving Pringles cardboard tubes because your cat also needs a tank.
The May the 4th hot dogs wrapped in crescent dough that I made with the 6 year old looked like either uncut penises OR the full package depending on what angle you were looking at, but the fam wolfed them down anyway. We also yoda in a blender (homemade green mint chocolate chip milkshakes)
When you have to go to the Gyno - and it's the 4th. And the nurse can't stop talking about your 'rebel scum' t-shirt, your R2D2 earrings and necklace, and then you show her your 'Join the resistance socks'. She then feels the need to pull in another nurse - who is wearing the same socks.
Then your doctor comes in, and she's still as wonderfully funny as you remember. You wonder why you were anxious as hell.
My depression has basically disappeared completely and I'm both shocked and perplexed as to how tf this happened.
@Kestrel said in RL things I love:
My depression has basically disappeared completely and I'm both shocked and perplexed as to how tf this happened.
Obviously you went for a walk and drank some water.
@GreenFlashlight said in RL things I love:
@Kestrel said in RL things I love:
My depression has basically disappeared completely and I'm both shocked and perplexed as to how tf this happened.
Obviously you went for a walk and drank some water.
And had some kale.