@Goblin On the other hand, I left a bad fit job without something new lined up and spent almost two years hunting for the right full time position. I am SUPER glad your situation worked out, but it can easily turn out terribly. People should definitely try hard to line something up before putting in notice.
RL things I love
@Goblin On the other hand, I left a bad fit job without something new lined up and spent almost two years hunting for the right full time position. I am SUPER glad your situation worked out, but it can easily turn out terribly. People should definitely try hard to line something up before putting in notice.
So I didn't get myself a weighted blanket during the Target sale cause the one I'd've wanted had already sold out.
.....got home today to a package. My mom had seen the same sale and bought me one.
totally gonna fall asleep in my desk chair under this thing
Can vouch for the furry one being heaven. See also: amusing to watch cats attempt to understand why their momma human now magically grows fur in her sleep.
ETA: Also slippery enough to double as a cat slide. Hop -> flop -> sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide -> thump may never stop being funny.
Oh, so in another episode of 'Americans can't park for shit:'
Getting home tonight, I turn towards my apartment to witness a big ass truck trying (and really seeming to fail) to back into the spot next to the one I park in. He stops, nearly in the middle of the lane, and waves me by. I gesture for him to continue because I'd like my spot tyvm.
He leans out his window and starts frantically waving for me to go by.
So I swing around and neatly park in my usual spot.
...realizing his error and how much more difficult he just invited me to make his attempt to park, he pulled away and went to park elsewhere.
@Roz Yeah I wouldn't say I recommend it. It was the best situation for me, but I had the security and backup to do it, sorta thing - I'm not trying to make light of the situation or go all 'lol just quit' - because that is definitely not how things work most of the time. So happy that you got that job, by the way. Even if it means less Roz time in game.
Waking from a migraine-killing nap to an adorably ridiculous cat going all magnificent murderflouf on my hair.
She looked so completely baffled when I raised my head to look at her to figure out what in the hells she was doing.
You know it's love when your husband walks in on you eating a sandwich like a hamster, with your cheeks all puffed out and a bite still clutched between your teeth, looking all wide-eyed and startled that someone opened the door. And instead of being grossed out, he just starts laughing.
And when you say around a mouthful of food, "I'm your pretty, pretty lady", he just laughs even harder.
Partner: (looks for something to eat and finds a can of tuna, which she opens and eats directly from with her fingers)
Me: (appears from work to see Partner doing so) You know, the cat has the decency to wait until after I take the food from the can. -
One of my top anxieties is missing my bus stop. It's part of why I hate taking the bus. I am always, even after taking it on the same route for months (and even with things like how Google Maps can alert you when your stop is coming up), afraid I will miss it.
....today I had a brief 'Modern Day Belle' moment.
I've been re-reading (due to an RL Book Club) a book I loved when I was a teenager. This morning, I got absorbed enough in it on my commute that I absolutely would have missed it. Except I've been seeing the same driver, nearly every day, for five months.
He stopped anyway. And even gave me a few seconds (since headphones) to realized he had done so.
That man is a gem.
I love when I don't have to work because I get to see my husband in the morning. Usually we are two ships passing. He is gone to the gym before I get up, and I am gone to work before he gets home.
(The fact that he brings yummy things home is totally just a bonus.)
I really appreciate how much free wine I get at work.
I need it this week.
@Auspice What's the book?
@RightMeow said in RL things I love:
@Auspice What's the book?
Our local gaming and comic shop just posted on their FB that they have enough food.for everyone, yes, everyone, and the doors are open and there is room at the table. The woman who owns it is an amazing human.
In case y’all feel like hating on your TS partner.
I've been invited to a Christmas party that will actually, f'realsies, serve turducken.
I look forward to experiencing the abomination.
(They're also doing a white elephant gift exchange where all items must be handmade and I'm like ohgodwhatdoImake?!)
@Auspice said in RL things I love:
I hate this one when it comes up, because there are too many possible options.
It's harder when it's a mystery person vs. someone assigned, but if there's a group theme, that helps? If nothing else, there are actually-not-shitty crochet potholders/trivets/washcloths. Everybody can use those.
@surreality said in RL things I love:
@Auspice said in RL things I love:
I hate this one when it comes up, because there are too many possible options.
It's harder when it's a mystery person vs. someone assigned, but if there's a group theme, that helps? If nothing else, there are actually-not-shitty crochet potholders/trivets/washcloths. Everybody can use those.
No theme, just 'make something with supplies that cost up to $20' and I have until the 14th to do it.
It's like asjkfdskjfdskj what do I make where do I find the time ughI might just do the classic: fun fur scarf. One solid yarn, one complimentary fun fur, large needle size. Goes fast, it's fuzzy, people usually like it.
@Auspice I may try one of the circle thingies; can let you know how it goes. (I love those kinds of things because they're ziploc bag in the purse size, usually, easy to haul around in the car/etc.) The scarves are always win, though. Also: warmmmmmmm, which is a huge plus this time of year.
@surreality said in RL things I love:
@Auspice I may try one of the circle thingies; can let you know how it goes. (I love those kinds of things because they're ziploc bag in the purse size, usually, easy to haul around in the car/etc.) The scarves are always win, though. Also: warmmmmmmm, which is a huge plus this time of year.
I can make those in an evening. I crochet super fast. But I also feel like those...... for a white elephant... in a group of really crafty people... would fall flat.
I dunno. These ladies all do some really stellar stuff.
Now, if I had enough yarn on hand to do like, 8bit crochet squares (like, 8bit mario stuff): sure. But I'd have to buy all the yarn new and I'd blow past the $$ amount on that.