I just really like this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UdTxJq2mTk
RL things I love
I just really like this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UdTxJq2mTk
Man, I just got hit in the feels by realizing the last time I actively staffed (approving apps, staffed STing, adjudication conflicts, processing jobs--i have helped out places before but not in a full staff capacity) ended a few months after I had my surprise last baby...who turns 7 the weekend after this weekend! And I think it was this week I went on maternity leave and handed the M/M+ reins to Surreality.
I got a job!!
@herja CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!
I dunno if y'all had seen this already but uh, warp drives are this much closer to being an actual thing now
Bifocals are amazeballs and I wish I'd gotten them sooner!
I love my baby sister. More accurately, I love making terrible jokes at said sister. Reminding her she's my emergency person if I react horribly to the vaccine, or..well anything terribad medically.
And reminding her she doesn't get the life insurance until I'm dead.
I love building computers, but you know what I don't love? Dirty ones. But I also enjoy cleaning dirty ones. There is something very cathartic about cleaning dirty as fuck computers.
I posted on game that I had recently got a very new and very fancy new laptop for when I don't feel like sitting at my desk. But my old, something I had gotten in 2017, which was also very expensive at the time I felt still had some life left in it. And we aren't made of money, so I offered to give this one away once I fixed it.
And by fix it, I mean, clean it, replace the batter and NVME drive because I'm fairly certain those were the two things that had slowed the PC down considerably. I may also upgrade the RAM because fuck it.
This is what I had walked into.
Absolute filth. That exhaust fan though.
The absolute relief when dad calls and tells me 'We got our first shot of the vaccines today.'
It felt like a ton of bricks lifted from my shoulders.
Edited to add: Now we can continue fixing up the cabin and spend time there TOGETHER - it's nearing spring here and we barely went to the cabin last year cause of the virus. But now we can!
Thing I did love: 8:00am text 'Please book in for your first vaccination' then 'available appointments: today'.
Thing I did not love: Someone who just wanted to get me vaccinated. I feel like a dartboard, pretty sure she stood on the ockey and lobbed the pointy thing at me. Ow.
Thing I do love: I have been stabbed up for the first time. So has the SO (although they got someone who actually tried to make it not hurt and I envy).
Theater on the Ground's Monologue Project. Anyone, at any level of experience, can participate.
I'm doing Portia's mercy monologue from Merchant of Venice.
I told the director of the project in an email that I had stepped away from theater for almost 25 years. His greeting in his reply email was "Hello, and welcome home."
I had to sit at my work desk for 5 minutes tearing up and trying not to sob.
It's been such a long, long week and I sort of hit a wall between being super-anxious or utterly apathetic depending on the stressor - and that gets so exhausting. Sleepless, burnt out, and just -- mentally done. I canceled on a friend (best friend!) and hid on RP-related things (things I wanted to do!) and just spent time doing nothing. Then the rest of the time was spent on Discord -- laughing my ass off at hilarious stories and getting super drawn into the way another friend's describing some game they're playing and -- oop! Socially anxious best friend knows exactly what kind of week it's been and suddenly we're assembling the coworker coven for mutual cackling over chat at 3 AM. It was fun and cathartic and that weird in-between feeling is gone. I'm present. That's a thing I love.
Having someone care enough to support me, trust me, and help me.
I am so beyond grateful, that it breaks my brain.
@wizz said in RL things I love:
I dunno if y'all had seen this already but uh, [warp drives are this much closer to being an actual thing now]
Yeah, it just requires an amount of energy equivalent to the mass of Jupiter. I'm going to hold off on buying my ticket to Proxima Centauri for now.
Had an interview to get me out of my career. It's not flashy or glamorous, but it will be far more stable and less draining a job. Here's hoping!