@Pandora Thank you for the story I did not know I needed.
RL things I love
@Pandora Thank you for the story I did not know I needed.
@Pandora SHOTS
@Sparks arigato heeeeey
Now I'm subtly terrified to know what the kebab was, because I gather I envision it being the same thing you did, @Pandora: a skewer of grilled meat with some kind of veggies, usually peppers and onions, maybe with some kind of marinade.
Above all, I am spectacularly baffled as to how someone could manage to fuck that up, or overcomplicate it into a horror.
I must know now!
@surreality YES.
But the ubiquitous 'kebab' here is what we'd typically refer to as a gyro, made with spit-roasted lamb.
I don't tend to anthropomorphize food, but I did make some scathing comments about Europeans eating people's pets, and what would poor Mary say?
@Pandora I feel you on this, and... WTF.
I try to like lamb, I do try. I just don't. I've had really good lamb and really bad lamb and have come to the conclusion that I just do not like lamb, Sam I Am. Even at the Brazilian steakhouse, where food is lucky to even make it to the plate before it disappears, it's a <choke-choke-choke> Nope <gulllllllllllllllp>.
ETA: It's like it tastes like it's angry at you for eating it. Which I can't fault, but that isn't tasty.
Double post, but worth it: OMG, the good cheese is back at the farmer's market.
It's cheesemas!
I will eat lamb on y'alls behalf. That is a bullet I will take for you.
Are you into roleplaying games?
Meet Crawlr - the equivalent of Tindr, but for RPGs.
Seeing someone else's day just being made by some unexpected joy; that joy can be almost contagious.
This past Sunday, we held a party for a friend—the cousin of my best friend—who just graduated medical school. (She's now a neurosurgeon! With a breathtakingly large student debt!) So everyone wanted to hold her a congratulations/farewell party before she heads off to residency in another state.
Anyway, she is also a gamer, and her favorite videogame series is, by far, the Legend of Zelda games.
So her parents managed to go and get her an amazing custom made sculpture cake, which was an artistic pile of rocks a'la Breath of the Wild, with Link perched atop it, the Master Sword and Master Shield in hand as he stood ready, and a banner below reading "Congratulations on leveling up" and her name (with Dr. finally prepended).
It was an absolutely stunning cake—the most spectacular sculpture-cake I've ever seen in person—and seeing her expression as she realized what they'd gotten her was wonderful.
(Bonus: it was also delicious.)
So I'm part of this very technical team of people at work most of whom are complete introverts; nice people and easy to get along with but they don't often talk about themselves at all, don't enjoy going out for lunch, socializing, having small talk... as a result I don't know much about many of my immediate coworkers at all outside of a professional environment. It's fine, as I associate liberally with folks from other teams so it's not a big deal.
But the other day one of my team members told me he would start coming to our weekly basketball runs since they had finally made daycare arrangements for him, and asked if I could give him a ride to the court, which I was happy to do. On the way there, just to chat about something and fill the silence I asked if he was watching Game of Thrones.
He goes "yeah, but I'm not sure what they are planning to do about the prophecies from the House of the Undying. At least I hope the valonqar part will prove to be important."
Okay, what the fuck? It turns out the guy has read almost every book I like, plays D&D (wtf?) and watches the same shows. We've been working together for two years and I had no clue - and he did know, so argh, why not say something so we can bond over nerdy shit? Come oooon man! He didn't even avoid the issue, it just didn't occur to him to say anything unless directly approached about it.
@Arkandel said in RL things I love:
Okay, what the fuck? It turns out the guy has read almost every book I like, plays D&D (wtf?) and watches the same shows. We've been working together for two years and I had no clue - and he did know, so argh, why not say something so we can bond over nerdy shit? Come oooon man! He didn't even avoid the issue, it just didn't occur to him to say anything unless directly approached about it.
So lies the solution to many of the problems we have online and in real life.
@Arkandel said in RL things I love:
Okay, what the fuck? It turns out the guy has read almost every book I like, plays D&D (wtf?) and watches the same shows. We've been working together for two years and I had no clue - and he did know, so argh, why not say something so we can bond over nerdy shit? Come oooon man! He didn't even avoid the issue, it just didn't occur to him to say anything unless directly approached about it.
That's a great blossoming nerd bromance story.
Sounds like I'm joking, but I'm not. I think it's always great when 2 people nerdy for the same stuff have that moment of connection for the first time. It always feels pretty good.
I saw "fluency" described on the internet as knowing 10,000 words of a language. I also read that the average American knows 20,000 words, and that college-educated people know around 40,000 words in English.
Got me thinking about how I've been speaking English my entire life, and do I actually know 20,000 words in English?
When you consider the number of words you use daily, and how often you use those words, 20,000-40,000 actual words seems like an awful lot, doesn't it?
As weird as it to say, that feeling of sudden relief after you have an infected and abscessed tooth extracted. I was so nervous/anxious going into to see the surgeon, but that man knew his shit. Popped that thing in about ten minutes.
No pain, but I can't describe the amount of pressure I felt in my head while he was working on loosening it. I almost started crying once I felt the tooth gone. There was this audible sigh of 'OH GOD THANK YOU'.
The Satanic Temple are my hero's, Hooray religious freedoms.
@Wretched Thems my boys, right there. I actually have a few friends in the Hail Satan? documentary that's just come out (probably soon to Amazon). Because they fucking won in Mississippi over the 15 week ban, the 6 week ban is not likely to hold up, either. Federal judge is poised to tell them no. That judge said "Isn't 6 weeks less than 15? This reeks of defiance against the court system". That doesn't sound like a bought or paid judge to me.
(For those not in the know) TST has done some good work. I wish more people understood that it's not a bunch of people who actually believe in Satan or that some kind of stupid anti-Jesus magic will make Satan come to Earth. They're just using the iconography as a means to using the same language about the dissolution of church and state to have their own "religious liberty", which is pretty much summed up as "My body belongs to me".
Great work. Proud of them.
The Satanic Temple has seven fundamental tenets:One should strive to act with compassion and empathy towards all creatures in accordance with reason.
The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.
One's body is inviolable, subject to one's own will alone.
The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo your own.
Beliefs should conform to our best scientific understanding of the world. We should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit our beliefs.
People are fallible. If we make a mistake, we should do our best to rectify it and resolve any harm that may have been caused.
Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.