So in the past few days, I've read a few stories (including that one on cheetahs
) about the mistreatments big cats suffer in/around Africa and it has made my heart hurt. So I reached out to my friend who is a charity streamer on Twitch to say 'hey, can your next big event be about this?'
(This guy does 4 big events a year. His goal, on Twitch, is to be 'the biggest charity streamer.' We're RL friends. He's amazing. He keeps a consistent stream schedule. He still keeps his RL job. His summer stream, he raised $17k for Children's Hospital. He has a partnership with Game Stop now, for example. The guy is outgoing, charismatic, and really, truly cares about what he does.)
I had Tweeted this at him since he's at TwitchCon rn. His reply was that he loves the idea and we should talk about it when he gets back. I mentioned I can think of 2 potential charities off the top of my head and can prob find more. Well, other streamers are already weighing in that they love the idea and viewers, even, are jumping in that they wanna see it happen, too.
Like, I'm all for the Extra Life stuff, but..... afaik no one's really done anything big to help these animals yet. If I could help get even a single event for that rolling, I'd be so happy. I love big cats. I love them to the extent that if I wasn't so damn science dumb (I have dyscaulculia so I struggle af when it comes to that shit) I probably would've gone into biology/zoology so I could work with them). So if I can be a catalyst that helps get money into their conservation efforts it will make my day/week/month/year. and the fact that a growing number of other people are into it, too, is all the better.