HOT TAKE: MUSHers should just start making MU*s out of open source MUD code that literally already has the equivalent to Firan's bullshit already done.
MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't)
HOT TAKE: MUSHers should just start making MU*s out of open source MUD code that literally already has the equivalent to Firan's bullshit already done.
Nearly every good book I read makes me think "hey, this would be a fun MUSH!".
But it won't be, for oh-so many reasons.
@Arkandel said in MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't):
Nearly every good book I read makes me think "hey, this would be a fun MUSH!".
But it won't be, for oh-so many reasons.
Joining my 'strong-arm a character from X setting into Y Ruleset' crew? It gives you short-term lolz, and makes staff go '... no, your changeling isn't Aeldari, stop.'
... not that I've been the one to do that. But it's always annoying when that BBPost goes up.
@Jennkryst I meant it more literally. As in... reading a Sanderson novel and thinking hey this would be a cool setting to base a MUSH on.
But there are perfectly good reasons why this doesn't happen more, and that when it does, it doesn't go well.
It's still something I'd love to see. So many books that could be turned into kickass games.
Opposite Grand space mecha adventure - the other game I'll probably never get to is Warhammer Fantasy. Oh wow was that fun to play. I'd love to see how well it translates to persistent, online play. Spoiler: You die or become a chaos beast - but it's the journey there that counts.
@Arkandel There IS a Mistborn RPG rulebook out there, that works incredibly similar to FATE. AND IT EVEN HAS RULES TO INCLUDE ALL 16 METALS.
... But of course, I'd want to be a pedant that includes the WHOLE Cosmere, so we gotta wait for MORE DEETS.
@Kumakun BOLD OF YOU to assume I wouldn't start out Chaos-affiliated.
@Jennkryst said in MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't):
@Kumakun BOLD OF YOU to assume I wouldn't start out Chaos-affiliated.
Haha! Fair enough!
In other 'setting will never actually work'... uh... settings. I really want to do an Iron Kingdoms THING, but I know it will never work - between combat being specifically miniature-centric (uses the same terms and mechanics as the Warmachine/Hordes wargame), to the game being torpedoed by the publisher so they can make a 5e supplement instead (which WE HATES THE LEVEL-BASED MECHANICS, PRECIOUS).
But it has a bunch of fun stuff, from pig-men who are OFFENDED at the thought that you won't eat them after they die ('what, are you saying I am diseased? Do you think I would not taste good?') to gatormen with a sniper rifle to weird dragon-radiation mutants to math-cultists who get seekrit messages from their robot-god in a method not entirely unlike the loom from Wanted...
@Jennkryst The setting would work wonderfully. You'd just have to ... remechanic the whole thing.
@popes Either that, or somehow link the MU to a java something-or-other that wargame folks use to play online with.
Even if the 5e supplement could translate to a MU seamlessly and remove all my ISSUES with levels and classes... I STILL wouldn't want to open it until they added Warlock mechanics, because I am a Circle player, and I want my army of DoomGoats and RockMurder.
A Downton Abbey type thing where the two spheres are the nobility and the servants in one big manor house.
Man. I wouldn't even know how to find the open source stuff, and if given a link, what would I even do then. You have to pay money to do something right?
(This is not a real question, but part of why we will never make these games. )
@tek said in MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't):
A Downton Abbey type thing where the two spheres are the nobility and the servants in one big manor house.
That wouldn't be hard at all to make on Ares. I'd definitely play even though I assume it'd rapidly dissolve into "nobles TSing servants: the MUSH" lol
I'm a little shocked there's not a L&L game set in King's Landing. L&L RP, the servants and noble style RP, knights, thieves, etc.
@bear_necessities said in MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't):
@tek said in MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't):
A Downton Abbey type thing where the two spheres are the nobility and the servants in one big manor house.
That wouldn't be hard at all to make on Ares. I'd definitely play even though I assume it'd rapidly dissolve into "nobles TSing servants: the MUSH" lol
If you look closely enough a lot of games are really "<X> TSing <Y>: the MUSH".
Fae L&L with the fae being similar to the ones from Changeling. The politicking and infighting is all over names and titles. No one murdering anyone else and their players getting butthurt over it. More "Argh! You duped me and stole the title 'The Red Lord' from me. Curse you!"
A fantasy survival MU* with the feel of Gothic 1 and Avernus. PCs are a bunch of criminals and other undesirables exiled to fantasy Australia and have to make a go of surviving and creating society from nothing.
Generational tribal MU*. A bit of the above fantasy survival idea only it's based around a tribal society in a fantasy world and its trials and tribulations over generations.
@Ominous I like all of these, but especially the fae.
I would actually adore a changeling-only WoD game, getting more into the Courts and politicking. Entitlements, venturing into the Hedge, etc. Obviously with True Fae threats here and there.
@ZombieGenesis said in MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't):
I'm a little shocked there's not a L&L game set in King's Landing. L&L RP, the servants and noble style RP, knights, thieves, etc.
That's Blood of Dragons, except you can't play a thief. Unless, maybe, said thief is a lord or lady.
I think ASoIaF is kinda done, at least until the prequel show makes its appearance.
A much more general thing but, just in principle, a game where characters can start off as capable, experienced individuals. Virtually all games seem to love making starting characters essentially useless before they then rapidly grow in power over the next X number of months, or perhaps indefinitely forever. That growth can be in stats, equipment, etc and I hate it when it works like that.
Quite often the only way to convincingly make a character who is say a capable 40 year old to be taken seriously is if you do it immediately after the game launches. One of the things I did like about some of the old Fading Suns games is that if you came out of character generation with a goal of 16 in something? You were about as good as anyone got with that skill, maybe there might be somebody around with a 17 but only if it was a popular skillset.
Older characters would absolutely round out their abilities, get higher stats, etc, but that only went so far. I had a fresh out of character generation person challenge my character to a duel on Vargo and you know what? It was a pretty close duel despite my character having been one of the most active in the game for almost four years and being combat focused. She got disarmed at one point and only won because this was a known risk in duels and so I had her carry huge knives as backup weapons following prior experiences.
Given that their character was also combat focused and had presumably not sprung out of the ether the moment they started being active in the area of the universe covered by the game? That was fine and good.
A game set in the Acts of Caine series by Matt Stover.
Has a sort of The Network type setup where the PCs are actors playing the part of adventurers in a real fantasy world for the amusement of Earth back home. I remember reading it and thinking it was a great setup for a game.