@il-volpe said:
And once again, you're missing the point -- you are not being bullied because you have a different 'philosophy' of text-based gaming. You're being asked to meet an expected standard of behavior customary to the locale, and responding by arguing, yet claiming to be bullied when people yell at you for it.
"Go the fuck away, nobody wants you here" is bullying. Period. A lot of the insulting @Jeshin that was happening before I showed up (that was the reason why I showed up) was bullying. Was it intended to be? Doesn't matter, that's what it was.
So let's try to make a more compelling case than that sort, moving forward.
@il-volpe said:
It's a collective 'you,' meaning all the OR representatives.
You're not talking to all of the OR representatives right now. The thrust of your conversation's been with me.
Please, tell me what the expected standard of behavior customary to the locale is for MSB. You've said this a couple of times, but without more specificity, it's not helpful to me.
And consider the idea that, perhaps, some folks here have muddied their arguments and statements by using aggressive, reactive language. (I have too, as my ironic 'mirroring' of other posters' tones didn't really land at all.) There's a reason why nobody uses that approach in actual debate in real life --- it's entirely ineffective.