4 day jury trial. Prosecution case has completely gone to shit but the judge rules against us on every motion. Stayed late at work every night this week writing motions and typing pages and pages of transcripts because I'm faster than getting it from the court. Judge wants us back an hour before opening yesterday and today so we can argue motions. I have literally lost count of how many motions to dismiss we've filed in the last three days (pro tip: if you forget to have your victim point at my dude and say that guy ... if you destroy a bunch of physical evidence... if you provide 600 pages of discovery on day 2 of trial ... well, never mind, I guess. And that chain of custody receipt doesn't matter either, just let it all in!) and the shitshow just keeps going on ...
... meanwhile while I am writing one of these motions last night I get an email from my dad that somehow my apartment was flooded while I was not there. I shriek WHAT and then get back to work because who has time for details.
I get home at about 9:15 last night to discover that yes, my apartment is flooded. But not my apartment so much as just my bedroom. My cat has been locked in my formerly cat free guest room (for allergic people who want to sleep here without dying) for hours. My stuff is all over the living room because workmen moved it all out of the flood zone. The only actual casualties so far appear to have been a phone charger, my hardback Hamilton book, and a set of Tarot cards I bought as a RP aid for Arx (I swear this made sense at the time).
The flooding appears to have been caused by the negligence of a person who shall remain nameless but I will be clear here that it was NOT ME.
All my rp obligations are in the shitter and my co GM had to mainline instant coffee to run my npc last night. Also, I'm pretty sure that the jury is going to convict.