RL Anger
@tek Just give me reason that if something happened to me, I'd tell someone to please shut my profile off, or just outright delete. Because that shit's creepy as hell.
So my mother is on oxygen now. I had initially planned to come to Ecuador for Christmas and spend it with her, but now I'll be going next week.
I'm going to see my mother for what will likely be the last time of my life.
I remember the look in my mother's eyes when I showed her the green card in person. She was so happy. She said to me "We can have Christmases together again." We thought we had time.
There won't be any more Christmases.
My aunt died last month. In one sweep, this year has taken the two people who were basically mothers to me.
Fuck 2016.
So my mother is on oxygen now. I had initially planned to come to Ecuador for Christmas and spend it with her, but now I'll be going next week.
I'm going to see my mother for what will likely be the last time of my life.
I remember the look in my mother's eyes when I showed her the green card in person. She was so happy. She said to me "We can have Christmases together again." We thought we had time.
There won't be any more Christmases.
My aunt died last month. In one sweep, this year has taken the two people who were basically mothers to me.
Fuck 2016.
I'm so sorry.
It's a shitty week for this stuff. I'm just hours (hopefully) from release from the hospital and I got notification that my grandmother was being rushed in (...on the opposite side of the country...) due to a heart attack.
2016 can go die in a fire, for real.
It's a shitty week for this stuff. I'm just hours (hopefully) from release from the hospital and I got notification that my grandmother was being rushed in (...on the opposite side of the country...) due to a heart attack.
2016 can go die in a fire, for real.
I'm so sorry, and I agree.
@Karmageddon & @Apu
You know, when I left SC a year ago... I had this fear I wouldn't make it back to visit before my grandfather passed (he'd been having some major health issues). Now I'm scared it'll be my grandmother, who is a good ten years younger than he.
I hope all is well and I'm upping my 'make sure I see them at least once' when I visit in November to a few days more.
I don't care so much about people who don't like pets. You can't help what you like or not, so if they just leave it at that they are fine in my book.
But the people who'll go out and get a dog then return it to a shelter because it's too much work, or they let it get really bad habits they won't deal with, or just far worse just abandon it somewhere to fend for itself... fuck those people so much.
It's even much worse if they have kids. Nice life lesson you are giving them there, buddy.
Late, but the worst thing I've seen recently: a man nearby got a puppy, didn't train it, had it (likely rambunctiously) nip his kid. So, he wrapped its nose and mouth with electrical tape, shot it in the back of the head, and threw it in a dumpster.
The jury of his peers found him not guilty of animal cruelty.
Some people are just fucking awful.
- 7 days later
Dear tablet: I know, it it not really the intent that some enters their passcode with their toes. But, y'know, I apparently have monkey feet and I am lazy.
Learn to respect the monkey feet + lazy thing, technology. At least for the dang passcode.
I cannot promise I would never type a quick reply to something that way, which I know is a perversion of all that is right with the world, but come on, now. Not even the passcode? The keys are big enough!
Company switched to a new payroll provider. Insisted to us that it was a perfectly smooth transition and those that had been in the trial group for it had absolutely no issues.
...lo and behold no one got paid today. And no word from management on when we will get paid.
Because man, it's just grand to fuck with peoples' income.
That's what you get for not having any savings!</sarcasm>
@Auspice I know what you mean, this new job puts me in a whole new tax bracket. I'll actually be able to retire without becoming a world famous author now.
@Auspice I know what you mean, this new job puts me in a whole new tax bracket. I'll actually be able to retire without becoming a world famous author now.
I've been sending my resume out regularly. The number of responses I get is underwhelming. I think it's due to the shift from 'people who have experience in a number of disciplines' being desired to companies trying to angle for specialists.
But I'm super glad when I hear of people who manage to nab a new job like you did.
Gives me hope I will eventually!
So as of 2016 Canadian TV companies are supposed to allow their subscribers to choose individual TV channels instead of just packs of them. That'd be lovely for me since I don't really care about TV other than news, but I want to watch NBA games so I need TSN 1-4 and Sportnet. A couple of them are offered through the mandatory basic bundle everyone gets, but the rest are only available through larger 'premium' bundles filled with sports I don't watch, like hockey, golf, etc.
I reached out to Rogers (my provider, not that Bell is that much better) and they offer no such thing. You can only still get only 'theme packs', natch, which comes down to $25 a month. In fact I reached out to them on Facebook and through their own web site and got two different answers - one rep said there'd be 'more information' after Dec 1, and the other than it flat-out won't happen and I needed to pick a bundle if I wanted those channels.
A quick search reveals this: "Since March 1, 2016, cable and satellite companies must offer channels EITHER individually OR in packages of up to 10 channels. As of December 1, 2016, channels will be offered BOTH individually AND in packages of up to 10 channels." So basically they are just trying to buy time until then, hoping people subscribe to packages without realising and then being too lazy (or still unaware) to switch.
@arkandel You should be able to buy the channels individually, but yeah, they are rolling it out slowly. Did you speak with customer service, or technical support? They can put different channels on your plan. They also have different deals they can give you in regards to free months.
Also those new packages also add up to be about $1 more per channel than the standard packages.
I can't wait to see what happens with that. I hope it's a huge success so we can get it down here. (As if that's ever going to happen.)
@TNP Given how closely Rogers is micromanaging and delaying it (which I assume is what the other providers are doing since competition would otherwise drive them to do so anyway) I'm kinda curious too.
Last year I didn't have that issue since there was a popular, cheap NBA streaming service I was subscribed to which disappeared overnight at some point. Now I'd have to look for decent streams per game, which is too much work. I just want to sit with a few slices of pizza and watch a game, not fuck around with links that work until they don't.